Some docs for myself for next time I have to install and configure Arch Linux.
The install setup is LVM on LUKS,
Each item in the list is a package, with some notes if needed. It's best to install vim and terminal emulator (alacritty in this case) during the install, otherwise, when booted into i3, there's no way to launch a terminal (i3-sensible-terminal doesn't evaluate to anything).
- alacritty
- zsh
- base_atelier_dune is the theme I use
- install instructions here
- vim
- to bootstrap, just install vim-plug and symlink .vimrc
- vim-plug install instructions
- neovim
- for LSP support, install desired language servers. For Rust, use rust-analyzer (make sure it's in $PATH). For Python, pyls_ms
- for latter, don't forget to install dotnet-runtime
- fzf
- fonts
- nerd-fonts-complete from AUR has the entire nerd fonts collection, it's 2GB though
- [[ttf-font-awesome]]
- tth-material-icons-git (from AUR)
- Inconsolata and Hack from
- noto-fonts-emoji for terminal emojis
- this is where the picker is, it can be pasted into terminal as well
- git
- wpa_supplicant
- wifi-menu
- xrandr
- xorg-server
- xorg-xset
- this is what I use to set the keyboard delay and repeat rate in i3 config
- xcape
- this is used to implement the feature wher Caps Lock is Escape when pressed alone, or Control if pressed in combination with something else
- xorg-xmodmap
- i3
- polybar (from AUR)
- rofi
- lsd
- git-delta
- otf-insonsolata-dz
- adobe-source-code-pro-font
- redshift
- config file is in the dotfiles repo, that's where the location is specified as well
- don't forget to
systemctl --user enable redshift.service
to have it run on startup - since I'm not running a display manager, I have to edit provided systemd service file, info here
- ranger (file manager)
- zathura (PDF viewer) + zathura-pdf-mupdf for PDF support
- pulseaudio
- syncthing
- make sure to enable it in systemd with,
systemctl --user enable syncthing.service
- make sure to enable it in systemd with,
- nvidia-settings
- this is a must, it's really easy to configure screen setups and it generates
- this is a must, it's really easy to configure screen setups and it generates
- nfancurve
- this is for controling the fan speed on the graphics card. Without this, fan is jerky and keeps spinning up and making weird clicks.
- don't forget to set Coolbits parameter in xorg.conf, it's in USAGE docs for nfancurve
- to tweak the mouse settings, use libinput
If dual booting with Windows, and there are issues with wifi being loaded during boot time, it's a known issue and solution is to turn off Fast Boot in Windows, instructions here