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I've exported my environment variables to make it easier to run the commands:

export KAFKA_API_KEY=xxxxx
export KAFKA_API_SECRET=xxxxx
export SASL_JAAS_CONFIG=" required username='$KAFKA_API_KEY' password='$KAFKA_API_SECRET';"

delete subjects (in two steps, first soft, then hard)

confluent schema-registry schema delete --subject memberships-value --version all --force  
confluent schema-registry schema delete --permanent --subject memberships-value --version all --force 
confluent kafka topic delete memberships --force

Setup the environment:

confluent environment list
confluent environment use env-xq231x
confluent kafka cluster list
confluent kafka cluster use lkc-jv153q
confluent api-key store $KAFKA_API_KEY $KAFKA_API_SECRET
confluent api-key use $KAFKA_API_KEY


Let's see how Migration Rules work.

We start by creating the memberships topic with the Confluent CLI.

confluent kafka topic create memberships

We're going to register the first version of the schema, the one with start_date and end_date at the top level.

confluent schema-registry schema create --subject memberships-value --schema membership_v1.avsc --type avro

We create the first compatibility group by setting the major_version property to 1.

jq -n --rawfile schema membership_v1.avsc '{schema: $schema, metadata: { properties: { major_version: 1 }}}' | \
curl $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL/subjects/memberships-value/versions \
--json @-
# {"id":100036,"version":2,"metadata":{"properties":{"major_version":"1"}},"schema":"{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Membership\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"user_id\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"start_date\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}},{\"name\":\"end_date\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}}]}"}%

Let's start a consumer which is pinned to only use major_version 1. We do that by passing the property called use.latest.with.metadata. The writer schema id is displayed after each message.

docker run -it --rm confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:7.5.0 \
  kafka-avro-console-consumer \
  --topic memberships \
  --from-beginning \
  --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
  --consumer-property security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
  --consumer-property sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
  --consumer-property sasl.jaas.config=" required username='$KAFKA_API_KEY' password='$KAFKA_API_SECRET';" \
  --property schema.registry.url=$SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL \
  --property basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO \
  --property$BASIC_AUTH_USER_INFO \
  --property print.schema.ids=true \
  --property use.latest.with.metadata=major_version=1

We're also going to start a producer using the major_version 1 format.

confluent kafka topic produce memberships --value-format avro --schema membership_v1.avsc

Let's produce a few messages:

{ "user_id": "jane_doe", "start_date": 19697, "end_date": 20062 }
{ "user_id": "john_smith","start_date": 18601, "end_date": 19090 }

Ok, the consumer receives the messages in the same format as the producer.

If we try to register the new version of the schema which has a breaking change, it's denied because we haven't told the schema registry to use compatibility groups.

jq -n --rawfile schema membership_v2.avsc '{schema: $schema, metadata: { properties: { major_version: 2 }}}' | \
curl $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL/subjects/memberships-value/versions \
--json @-
  # we get this error:
  # {"error_code":409,"message":"Schema being registered is incompatible with an earlier schema for subject \"memberships-value\", details: [{errorType:'READER_FIELD_MISSING_DEFAULT_VALUE', description:'The field 'validity_period' at path '/fields/1' in the new schema has no default value and is missing in the old schema', additionalInfo:'validity_period'}, {oldSchemaVersion: 1}, {oldSchema: '{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Membership\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"user_id\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"start_date\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}},{\"name\":\"end_date\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}}]}'}, {compatibility: 'BACKWARD'}]"}%

Let's tell the Schema Registry to use the major_version field to enable Compatibility Groups:

curl $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL/config/memberships-value \
-X PUT --json '{ "compatibilityGroup": "major_version" }'
 # {"compatibilityGroup":"major_version"}%

If we try to register again, it's now successful and the new schema is assigned to a new group with major_version set to 2:

jq -n --rawfile schema membership_v2.avsc '{schema: $schema, metadata: { properties: { major_version: 2 }}}' | \
curl $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL/subjects/memberships-value/versions \
--json @-

  # {"id":100023,"version":3,"metadata":{"properties":{"major_version":"2"}},"schema":"{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Membership\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"user_id\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"validity_period\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"ValidityPeriod\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"from\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}},{\"name\":\"to\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}}]}}]}"}%

I've written two migration rules in the JSON file: an UPGRADE rule to convert the data from major_version 1 to major_version 2 and a DOWNGRADE rule for the other way around.

cat migration_rule_upgrade_and_downgrade.json | jq ".ruleSet.migrationRules"

Let's register them.

curl $SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL/subjects/memberships-value/versions \
--json @migration_rule_upgrade_and_downgrade.json

# {"id":100024,"version":4,"metadata":{"properties":{"major_version":"2"}},"ruleSet":{"migrationRules":[{"name":"move_start_and_end_date_to_validity_period","kind":"TRANSFORM","mode":"UPGRADE","type":"JSONATA","expr":"$merge([$sift($, function($v, $k) {$k != 'start_date' and $k != 'end_date'}), {'validity_period': {'from':start_date,'to':end_date}}])","disabled":false},{"name":"move_validity_period_to_start_date_and_end_date","kind":"TRANSFORM","mode":"DOWNGRADE","type":"JSONATA","expr":"$merge([$sift($, function($v, $k) {$k != 'validity_period'}), {'start_date': validity_period.from, 'end_date':}])","disabled":false}]},"schema":"{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"Membership\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"user_id\",\"type\":\"string\"},{\"name\":\"validity_period\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"record\",\"name\":\"ValidityPeriod\",\"fields\":[{\"name\":\"from\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}},{\"name\":\"to\",\"type\":{\"type\":\"int\",\"logicalType\":\"date\"}}]}}]}"}%

Let's start a consumer which will use major_version 2.

docker run -it --rm confluentinc/cp-schema-registry:7.5.0 \
  kafka-avro-console-consumer \
  --topic memberships \
  --from-beginning \
  --bootstrap-server $BOOTSTRAP_SERVERS \
  --consumer-property security.protocol=SASL_SSL \
  --consumer-property sasl.mechanism=PLAIN \
  --consumer-property sasl.jaas.config=" required username='$KAFKA_API_KEY' password='$KAFKA_API_SECRET';" \
  --property schema.registry.url=$SCHEMA_REGISTRY_URL \
  --property basic.auth.credentials.source=USER_INFO \
  --property$BASIC_AUTH_USER_INFO \
  --property print.schema.ids=true \
  --property use.latest.with.metadata=major_version=2

If we go to the Producer V1 window and produce messages in the old format...

{ "user_id": "morgan_johnson", "start_date": 19366, "end_date": 20655 }
{ "user_id": "casey_williams", "start_date": 18988, "end_date": 19345 }

we can see that consumer V2 receives them in the new format. The transformation is done by the UPGRADE migration rule.

Let's start a new producer which use the v2 schema and produce a few messages.

confluent kafka topic produce memberships --value-format avro --schema membership_v2.avsc
{ "user_id": "jane_doe", "validity_period": { "from": 19697, "to": 20443}}
{ "user_id": "lara_wilson", "validity_period": { "from": 17498, "to": 17701}}

We can see that consumer v1 can receive these v2 messages in the old format. The transformation is done by the DOWNGRADE migration rule.

Both consumers can automatically receive messages in their preferred format.

You can now evolve your schemas as much as you like without the stress of breaking anything!


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