This repository is associated with the computer building course as described [here] ( "The Elements of Computing Systems / Nisan & Schocken"). This repository contains the code required for projects and complete suite with filled in project submission files. The coursera [course] ( currently teaches only the first half of the [book] ( This repository also provides code and project submission files for the later projects not currently a part of the coursera course.
The suite provided by the course instructors is contained in the folders projects and tools. The rest of the folders contain code and scripts required for the projects. The code required for the projects is in Java. The IDE used for the projects was IntelliJ. The configuration files required for IntelliJ are also provided. The repository can directly be loaded as an IntelliJ project. The Java projects use Java SDK 1.7.0_79.
The course proceeds through incremental projects. At some points, the previous projects' code need to be modified for the next projects. The reader may find some documentation comments ambigious since they were not changed appropriately when changing the code. Although, moving to the appropriate commit corresponding to the project may solve the problem. Same holds true for some scripts written for running particular projects.