This project contains a simple script,
to export data from Notion in CSV format. Note that the Notion
database IDs are currently hardcoded, and the script makes certain assumptions about their schemas.
To run:
NOTION_API_KEY=<integration token> pipenv run python
This should produce 2 files, people.csv
and log.csv
, that can then be imported into Postgres.
First, initialize the database:
PGPASSWORD=<pg password> psql -h <pg host> -U <pg username> <pg database name> < ./create_tables.sql
Then within the psql prompt:
\copy people(id, name, context, how_i_know_them) from '<path to people.csv>' delimiter ',' csv;
\copy log(date, hours, type, person_id) from '<path to log.csv>' delimiter ',' csv;