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gradius edited this page Sep 21, 2017 · 1 revision


Kibana is the visualization tool that we'll be using to create dashboards and saved searches to navigate our data. Kibana uses Lucene queries to search the data stored in Elasticsearch.

Kibana Setup

Accessing Kibana

To access Kibana, log into the IDS server on port 5601 in your browser:


Create Index Pattern

On the left-hand side of Kibana, click the "gear" icon. Then click "Create Index Pattern"


For the section "Index name or pattern" enter: filebeat-*. This allows us to visualize all the information saved in the filebeat indexes, separated by date. Leave the "Time Filter field name" as @timestamp


Kibana Overview

Kibana has its functionality split into various pieces: Discover, Visualize, Dashboard, Timelion, Dev Tools, and Management.


Explore the data with searches. Each log entry is a row. By default no columns are selected, but can be selected by clicking "Toggle column in table"


Data can be quick filtered out with the magnifying glasses with plus and minus. Quick filters appear as bubbles near the top left next to the search bar. They can be enabled, disabled, deleted, and pinned. Pinned filters will follow you across Discover, Visualization, Dashboard, etc.



Along with data in the center, you can also show a quick count of the top five values of each field, on the left side. For fields with more than 5 values, you can also click "visualize" to get a bar graph of the top 20 values. Just click the field name on the left to expand it.



Visualizations allow you to put data into various different graphs. You can create visualizations by clicking "+" in on the Visualizations tab.

From there, you can select the type of chart. Formats include Area, Heat Map, Horizontal Bar, Line, Pie, etc. The best way to understand how visualizations format data is to click around and use them.


Dashboards are just combinations of both saved Discovery searches and Visualizations. Dashboards let you drag these pieces around and resize as needed.

Example Search

All fields in Elasticsearch can be filtered/searched on. For this example, we'll be displaying all of the IDS alerts Suricata.

Lucene Query

For the Lucene query, we'll be using event_type:alert. This allows us to only see our IDS alerts.

Field Columns

As mentioned in the overview, you can click the columns button on each relevant field to show them in the Discover screen. Afterwards, you'll end up with something like this:


JSON Export of Example Search

The exported JSON can be found here. For more information on how to use this JSON, check out this section.

Example Visualization

Heads up!

Visualizations are difficult to get right, even the 100th time. It takes a lot of practice, tinkering, and Google searches. If you experience any trouble with coming up with a specific approach, reach out to me on Twitter. I'm not an expert, but I like tinkering with Kibana.

This example visualization will be a line graph to display the count of events being saved to Elasticsearch.


  • Click "Visualize" on the left hand side, then click the "+" icon to create a new visualization. Click the "Line" visualization icon.
  • Click the left-hand column and the index name "filebeat-*"
  • For Y-Axis, we'll leave "Count" selected. In the future, this might be used for average value grouping, sums, percential, etc.
  • For X-Axis, select "X-Axis" bucket type, then for Aggregation select "Date Histogram"
  • Click the "Play" arrow in the top-right corner. This will create the visualization.


JSON Export of Example Visualization

You can find the JSON export here.

Importing Exported JSON

To import any of these JSON files, or to export any created objects, follow these instructions:

  • Click "Management" on the left-hand side bar.
  • Click "Saved Objects" on the upper tab bar.
  • To Export an object, check the object name, and press the "Export" button.
  • To Import an object, click the "Import" button in the top right. Then select the desired JSON file for imports.

Saved Searches

Saved Visualizations

Saved Dashboards