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AWS IoT TwinMaker Application Development Guide

Please add feedback to the issues folder, and we will follow up shortly. Be sure to include version information for both Grafana and the installed plugin.

The production plugins can be downloaded from the TwinMaker app plugin page.

For an overview of the plugin see src/

Developer Guide

Pull down the git repo locally.

Installation requirements:

  1. yarn install --frozen-lockfile
  2. yarn dev — will build the frontend changes, yarn watch will build in watch mode
  3. mage build:backend — will build the backend changes
    1. Troubleshooting: If you see Plugin unavailable when clicking “Save & test” for the TwinMaker datasource then run: mage -v buildAll. This builds the backend plugin for all platforms.
  4. The compiled plugin should be in dist/ directory.
  5. Run Grafana in development mode, or configure Grafana to load the unsigned plugin.

For more information, please consult the build a plugin docs page.

Build a release

You need to have commit rights to the GitHub repository to publish a release.

  1. Update the version number in the package.json file.
  2. Update the by copy and pasting the relevant PRs from Github's Release drafter interface or by running npm run generate-release-notes.
  3. PR the changes.
  4. Let the AWS TwinMaker team know that you are planning a release so they can test it first. You can do this by tagging them in the release PR.
  5. Once merged, follow the Drone release process that you can find here


You can install by following the install Grafana plugins docs page.

Local Docker Setup

  1. Install the AWS CLI
  2. Run aws configure and enter your IAM user credentials
  3. Run the following docker command:
docker compose up -d

a. This container will mount the volume ~/.aws:/usr/share/grafana/.aws with the credentials you configured on your machine so you can use the “AWS SDK Default” authentication provider for the TwinMaker datasource

  1. Access from http://localhost:3000 on your browser. First time login will be username:admin password:admin.

Development Mode

By default, the webpack mode is set to production to work with the released Grafana production build.

To build the plugin with development mode, change the mode in webpack.config.js file to be development, and start the development mode local Grafana server following Grafana Developer Guide