Releases: grafana/shared-workflows
Releases · grafana/shared-workflows
dockerhub-login: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2024-10-25)
🔧 Miscellaneous Chores
- Bump upstream docker actions (#51) (f33ebd9)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4.1.7 (#244) (1d5fba5)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4.2.0 (#313) (ba6268c)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4.2.1 (#445) (c72e039)
- deps: update actions/checkout action to v4.2.2 (#498) (7c6dbe2)
- deps: update docker/login-action action to v3.3.0 (#254) (a678ac5)
get-vault-secrets: v1.0.0
lint-pr-title: v1.0.0
1.0.0 (2024-09-27)
🎉 Features
📝 Documentation
🏗️ Build System
- deps: bump @commitlint/lint in /actions/lint-pr-title (#226) (aee5ab9)
- deps: bump @commitlint/lint in /actions/lint-pr-title (#54) (73f9347)
- deps: bump @commitlint/lint in /actions/lint-pr-title (#85) (a274ad1)
- deps: bump peter-evans/create-pull-request from 6.1.0 to 7.0.1 (#235) (d6e6319)
- deps: bump undici from 5.28.3 to 5.28.4 in /actions/lint-pr-title (#149) (19be8d8)