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Sync from upstream. #106

Sync from upstream.

Sync from upstream. #106

# Copyright 20242023 René Ferdinand Rivera Morell
# Use, modification, and distribution are subject to the
# Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE.txt)
name: "Check Libraries"
# Allow manual runs.
- modular
- ".github/workflows/ci.yml"
- ".github/workflows/modular-check-libs-docs.yml"
- ".github/workflows/modular-release.yml"
fail-fast: false
- accumulators
- algorithm
- align
- any
- array
- asio
- assert
- assign
- atomic
- beast
- bimap
- bind
- callable_traits
- charconv
- chrono
- circular_buffer
- cobalt
- compat
- compatibility
- compute
- concept_check
- config
- container
- container_hash
- context
- contract
- conversion
- convert
- core
- coroutine
- coroutine2
- crc
- date_time
- describe
- detail
- dll
- dynamic_bitset
- endian
- exception
- fiber
- filesystem
- flyweight
- foreach
- format
- function
- function_types
- functional
- fusion
- geometry
- gil
- graph
- graph_parallel
- hana
- headers
- heap
- histogram
- hof
- icl
- integer
- interprocess
- numeric/interval
- intrusive
- io
- iostreams
- iterator
- json
- lambda
- lambda2
- leaf
- lexical_cast
- local_function
- locale
- lockfree
- log
- logic
- math
- metaparse
- move
- mp11
- mpi
- mpl
- msm
- multi_array
- multi_index
- multiprecision
- mysql
- nowide
- numeric/conversion
- numeric/odeint
- optional
- outcome
- parameter
- parameter_python
- pfr
- phoenix
- poly_collection
- polygon
- pool
- predef
- preprocessor
- process
- program_options
- property_map
- property_map_parallel
- property_tree
- proto
- ptr_container
- python
- qvm
- random
- range
- ratio
- rational
- redis
- regex
- safe_numerics
- scope
- scope_exit
- serialization
- signals2
- smart_ptr
- sort
- spirit
- stacktrace
- statechart
- static_assert
- static_string
- stl_interfaces
- system
- test
- thread
- throw_exception
- timer
- tokenizer
- tti
- tuple
- type_erasure
- type_index
- type_traits
- typeof
- numeric/ublas
- units
- unordered
- url
- utility
- uuid
- variant
- variant2
- vmd
- wave
- winapi
- xpressive
- yap
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
shell: "bash"
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/boostroot
- name: "Setup"
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}
run: |
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test -y
sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 update -y
sudo apt-get -o Acquire::Retries=3 -y install \
g++-13 \
- name: "Checkout Boost Root"
uses: actions/checkout@main
with: { submodules: true, path: "boostroot" }
- name: "Checkout B2"
uses: actions/checkout@main
with: { repository: "bfgroup/b2", path: "b2" }
- name: B2
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/b2
run: ./
- name: Check
run: '"${{github.workspace}}/b2/b2" --debug-configuration "--build-dir=${{github.workspace}}/bin" --remove-test-targets toolset=gcc-13 cxxstd=20 libs/${{matrix.lib}}//all -n'
fail-fast: false
- accumulators
- algorithm
- align
- any
- array
- asio
- assert
- assign
- atomic
- beast
- bimap
- bind
- callable_traits
- charconv
- chrono
- circular_buffer
- cobalt
- compat
- compatibility
- compute
- concept_check
- config
- container
- container_hash
- context
- contract
- conversion
- convert
- core
- coroutine
- coroutine2
- crc
- date_time
- describe
- detail
- dll
- dynamic_bitset
- endian
- exception
- fiber
- filesystem
- flyweight
- foreach
- format
- function
- function_types
- functional
- fusion
- geometry
- gil
- graph
- graph_parallel
- hana
- headers
- heap
- histogram
- hof
- icl
- integer
- interprocess
- numeric/interval
- intrusive
- io
- iostreams
- iterator
- json
- lambda
- lambda2
- leaf
- lexical_cast
- local_function
- locale
- lockfree
- log
- logic
- math
- metaparse
- move
- mp11
- mpi
- mpl
- msm
- multi_array
- multi_index
- multiprecision
- mysql
- nowide
- numeric/conversion
- numeric/odeint
- optional
- outcome
- parameter
- parameter_python
- pfr
- phoenix
- poly_collection
- polygon
- pool
- predef
- preprocessor
- process
- program_options
- property_map
- property_map_parallel
- property_tree
- proto
- ptr_container
- python
- qvm
- random
- range
- ratio
- rational
- redis
- regex
- safe_numerics
- scope
- scope_exit
- serialization
- signals2
- smart_ptr
- sort
- spirit
- stacktrace
- statechart
- static_assert
- static_string
- stl_interfaces
- system
- test
- thread
- throw_exception
- timer
- tokenizer
- tti
- tuple
- type_erasure
- type_index
- type_traits
- typeof
- numeric/ublas
- units
- unordered
- url
- utility
- uuid
- variant
- variant2
- vmd
- wave
- winapi
- xpressive
- yap
runs-on: windows-latest
shell: cmd
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/boostroot
- name: "Checkout Boost Root"
uses: actions/checkout@main
with: { submodules: true, path: "boostroot" }
- name: "Checkout B2"
uses: actions/checkout@main
with: { repository: "bfgroup/b2", path: "b2" }
- name: B2
working-directory: ${{github.workspace}}/b2
run: bootstrap.bat
- name: Check
run: '"${{github.workspace}}/b2/b2" --debug-configuration "--build-dir=${{github.workspace}}/bin" --remove-test-targets toolset=msvc cxxstd=20 libs/${{matrix.lib}}//all -n'