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An exercise in using composition to make http requests

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An exercise is using composition to make http requests.

Module explained

TLDR: this module is a somewhat messy WIP, and therefore it is not published to npm. It works, but there are some niceties that need to be sorted out.

This module exposes a number of utilities for composing http requests. It was initially intended to try to create a functional-style API for working with fetch.

I initially created this as an experiment over the winter holidays in 2019, when I was frustrated by (and hit the limitations of) another request library. After messing about with it, I really liked the patterns that emerged, and I have been trying to use this library when I can ever since.

There are some messy parts of the code and the package in general. Specifically I'd like to mention:

  • the file ./src/utils/fetch-utils.js is messy and entirely untested -- that's not great...
  • there is a bug that I have not done RCA on yet in ./src/utils/wrap-promise.js -- there is a comment at the top of this file outlining the issue
  • the overall scope of the library is unclear... what started out as a clear solution to a particular problem has morphed into a loose collection of utils istead. I need to consider what I want to keep here, and what I want to separate.
    • That said: I have moved the utility with-key out into its own package, which I've started to manage here: grahaml/with-key

Despite these clear pitfalls, I have posted this here for my own amusement, and so I can continue to refine it as time goes on. The intention is morese to perfect the developer experience, rather than to create a package that gets 1M downloads a day.

Given these clear pitfalls, this package has not actually been published to npm. I intend to clean things up when I find the time, and ensure that what I do publish is focused and actually useful.

NOW - All that aside, here are some examples of what you can do with this library:


import { compose, withKey } from 'request-composer';

const BASE_URL = '';
const baseUrlWithPath = path => `${BASE_URL}${PATH}`;

// Make a common request object
const withUrl = withKey('url');
const withHeaders = withKey('headers');
const withBody = withKey('body');
const withMethod = withKey('method');

const commonHeaders = compose(
  withHeaders({ 'Authorization': `Bearer ${myTokenFromSomewhere}` }),
  withHeaders({ 'Content-Type': 'application/json' })

// Further that by adding more common params
const postRequest = compose(commonHeaders, withMethod('POST'));
const getRequest = compose(commonHeaders, withMethod('GET'));

// Make more specific calls
const createCustomer = data => compose(postRequest, withUrl(baseUrlWithPath('/v1/customer')), withBody(data));
const getCustomer = customerId => compose(getRequest, withUrl(baseUrlWithPath(`/v1/customer/${customerId}`));

// Use with fetch!
  .then(response => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`Error getting customer at ${myTokenFromSomewhere.customerId}`);
    return response.json();

fetch(createCustomer({ lastName: 'ever', firstName: 'greatest}))
  .then(response => {
    if (!response.ok) {
      throw new Error(`Could not create customer: ${response.status}`);
    return response.json()

// Could also use with axios!
    withData({ foo: 'bar' }), // axios uses `data` instead of `body`
  .then(({ data }) => data)

It also includes a handy util that attempts to make working with fetch a little easier:

import { makeFetcher } from 'request-composer';

const makeCustomerAPICall = makeFetcher('');
const patchCustomer = makeCustomerAPICall(withMethod('PATCH'));

async function updateCustomer(customerId, data) {
  const response = await patchCustomer(
  if (response.ok) {
    return response.json();

You can even use the utils for complex request bodies:

import { withKey } from 'request-composer';

const withFormData = withKey('formData');

// Imagine this was actually a form submission...
const myFormInputs = [
	{ name: 'firstName', value: 'Graham' },
	{ name: 'lastName', value: 'Losee' },
	{ name: 'phoneNumber', value: '123456789' },

const formData = withFormData(
	myFormInputs.reduce((acc, { name, value }) => {
		return withKey(name)(value)({ ...acc });
	}, {}),
// { firstName: 'Graham', lastName: 'Losee', phoneNumber: '1234567890' }

const createCustomer = compose(postRequest, withBody(formData));
// { method: 'POST', body: { formData }, ...etc }

Live Examples

There are a handful of examples to check out how this works in the browser. See the examples/ dir in this repository.

Running the live examples

To run the examples you will need to clone this repository and build the modules. You will also need to run a simple http server, as the example files load the ES modules directly, and those cannot be loaded over the file:// protocol.

I recommend using the serve module from npm, which prefers global installation.

$ npm install -g serve
$ serve -p 3001

You could also use python's simple http server.

$ python -m SimpleHTTPServer

The paths in the example are set up to work if your server is running from the root directory of this project.

$ git clone ... # clone request-composer
$ cd request-composer
$ npm install # ... and wait
$ npm run build # ... and wait - this is actually quite short
$ serve -p 3001

Once the server is running go to http://localhost:{port}/examples/ in your browser to view a list of the available eamples, then select any example to see it in action.


  • add example with another library - an alternative to axios
  • split up and add unit tests for fetch utils
  • make wrapFetch wrap anything -- specifically expose ability to add to the URL via path param on a request object


An exercise in using composition to make http requests






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