A simple TypeScript library template. Quick to start dev, build a Pure TypeScript or React Component library.
Please use pnpm do this.
pnpm i
Bundle your source code via tsc, rollup.
npm run package
Start dev mode by Vite.
npm run dev
Deploy example to GitHub Pages.
npm run deploy
npm run publish
If you want to bundle React JSX with rollup. Add additional packages.
pnpm i -D rollup-plugin-esbuild
And, un-comment this in rollup.config.ts
include: /\.[jt]sx?$/,
exclude: /node_modules/,
sourceMap: false,
minify: process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production',
target: 'es2017',
jsxFactory: 'React.createElement',
jsxFragment: 'React.Fragment',
define: {
__VERSION__: '"x.y.z"',
tsconfig: './src/tsconfig.json',
loaders: {
'.json': 'json',
'.js': 'jsx',
Enable default now.
Nest selector is supported too.
To build css extract a file not bundle into js, un-comment this.
extract: true,