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Repository files navigation - Packages (RPM)

Repository containing the tooling and scripts to build and publish RPM packages of to PackageCloud.

How to build and test RPMs locally?

Here is an example to build and test APIM RPMs locally:

Build the RPMs

Build the RPMs using

cd apim/4.x

Run CentOS docker image

Run CentOS docker container with a volume mount:

export PATH_TO_LOCAL_RPMS=$(pwd)
docker run --rm -v "${PATH_TO_LOCAL_RPMS}:/local-rpms" -w "/local-rpms" -it --entrypoint bash centos:7

Determine the tag to use

For a final release, the TAG of your RPM package should look like:

# example for a 4.0.0 version
TAG= 4.0.0-1

For a pre-release (aka alpha version), the TAG of your RPM package should look like:

# example for a 4.0.0-alpha.2 version
TAG= 4.0.0-0.2.alpha

Install local RPMs

Inside the container:

yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-gateway-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-management-ui-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-portal-ui-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm
yum install /local-rpms/graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-[TAG].noarch.rpm

How to install RPMs from PackageCloud?

Inside the container:

# Add packagecloud registry to be able to run install APIM
echo "[graviteeio]
metadata_expire=300" > /etc/yum.repos.d/graviteeio.repo

# For *-ui-* package, nginx is required, to install it:
yum install -y epel-release
yum install -y nginx

# Some dark magic to have everything related to repo working properly on my local docker container
cd /etc/yum.repos.d/
sed -i 's/mirrorlist/#mirrorlist/g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
sed -i 's|#baseurl=|baseurl=|g' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-*
yum install pygpgme yum-utils
yum update -y
yum -q makecache -y --disablerepo='*' --enablerepo='graviteeio'

# Install RPMs
yum install graviteeio-apim-4x-[TAG].noarch -y

Manual Integration test

Process to test an APIM upgrade

  1. provision a VM with Redhat RHEL 8.5 or 9

  2. On your laptop, build rpm locally for 2 versions:

cd apim/3.x
mkdir -p rpms/3.20.{9,21}

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 3.20.9
rm -f graviteeio-apim-3x-*.rpm   # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/3.20.9/

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 3.20.21
rm -f graviteeio-apim-3x-*.rpm   # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/3.20.21/
  1. Connect via ssh to your VM and enable port forwarding to be able to test connexion on APIM
ssh -i key.pem \
    -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null \
    -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
    -L localhost:8082:localhost:8082 \
    -L localhost:8083:localhost:8083 \
    -L localhost:8084:localhost:8084 \
    -L localhost:8085:localhost:8085 \
  1. install all prerequities without gravitee (to not install the latest version)
curl -L | sed '/main()/,/}/{/install_graviteeio/d}' | bash
  1. copy the rpms folder into your VM (from your laptop)
scp -r -i key.pem -o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no rpms gravitee@

Note: we use here our own private key key.pem, do not add this ssh info on our local config, use our user gravitee on the VM with IP

  1. into the VM install the first rpms and then start services
cd ~/rpms/3.20.9
for rpm in graviteeio-apim-*.rpm; do sudo yum install -y "${rpm}"; done
sudo systemctl start nginx.service graviteeio-apim-rest-api.service graviteeio-apim-gateway.service
  1. in another terminal, you can check which version of APIM is answering (Note you can install and use tmux):
while true; do echo "$(date)    $(curl -s -u 'admin:adminadmin' 'http://localhost:18083/_node' | jq -r '.version.MAJOR_VERSION')"; sleep 1; done
  1. update rest-api config file to add another admin user and restart service to use it:
sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# Enable authentication/{/username: application1/,/#email:/{s/#email:/#email:\n        - user:\n          username: gravitee\n          #firstname:\n          #lastname:\n          # Password value: bloubiboulga\n          password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n          roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n          #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/rest-api/config/gravitee.yml

sudo systemctl restart graviteeio-apim-rest-api.service

Note: the command used to generate the password is: htpasswd -bnBC 10 "" bloubiboulga | tr -d ':\n' | sed 's/^$2y\$/$2a$/'

  1. Connect into APIM on http://localhost:8084 with new created user/pass: gravitee/bloubiboulga

  2. Now in the VM, we want to upgrade to 3.20.21 without loosing configuration

cd ~/rpms/3.20.21
for rpm in graviteeio-apim-*.rpm; do sudo yum upgrade -y "${rpm}"; done
sudo systemctl start nginx.service graviteeio-apim-rest-api.service graviteeio-apim-gateway.service
  1. We should be able to connect on http://localhost:8084 always with user gravitee. The curl command to show the version should answer 3.20.21

Test only that config and plugins are kept during an APIM upgrade

This test run on docker only to ensure that upgrade will keep change in gravitee.yml and that custom plugin are kept also.

  1. Build rpm locally for 2 versions:
cd apim/4.x
mkdir -p rpms/{4.0.12,4.1.3}

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.0.12
rm -f graviteeio-apim-4x-*.rpm   # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/4.0.12/

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.1.3
rm -f graviteeio-apim-4x-*.rpm   # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-apim-*.rpm rpms/4.1.3/
  1. Run a local docker container with a volume for RPMs:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/rpms:/local-rpms" -w "/local-rpms" -it --entrypoint bash centos:7
  1. Install first version of rest-api:
yum install -y 4.0.12/graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.0.12-1.noarch.rpm
  1. Update configuration file and create a fake new plugin and then, list all existing plugins
sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# Enable authentication/{/username: application1/,/#email:/{s/#email:/#email:\n        - user:\n          username: gravitee\n          #firstname:\n          #lastname:\n          # Password value: bloubiboulga\n          password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n          roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n          #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/rest-api/config/gravitee.yml

cp /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/{,}

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.12.txt
  1. Proceed to the upgrade and update plugin list files
yum upgrade -y 4.1.3/graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.1.3-1.noarch.rpm

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.3.txt
  1. Validate that changes have been kept in config file and manually install plugin has not been deleted:
if grep -q "bloubiboulga" /opt/graviteeio/apim/rest-api/config/gravitee.yml; then echo "config file ✔"; else echo "config file ✕"; fi

if [[ -f "/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/" ]]; then echo "plugin ✔"; else echo "plugin ✕"; fi
  1. Validate plugin list manually:
diff -y /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.12.txt /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.3.txt

Test only that config and plugins are kept during an AM upgrade

This test run on docker only to ensure that upgrade will keep change in gravitee.yml and that custom plugin are kept also.

  1. Build rpm locally for 2 versions:
cd am/4.x
mkdir -p rpms/{4.0.5,4.1.7}

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.0.5
rm -f graviteeio-am-4x-*.rpm   # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-am-*.rpm rpms/4.0.5/

[ -d .staging ] && rm -rf .staging
./ -v 4.1.7
rm -f graviteeio-am-4x-*.rpm   # as we install each rpm manually, we do not use the global rpm.
mv graviteeio-am-*.rpm rpms/4.1.7/
  1. Run a local docker container with a volume for RPMs:
docker run --rm -v "${PWD}/rpms:/local-rpms" -w "/local-rpms" -it --entrypoint bash centos:7
  1. Install first version of rest-api:
yum install -y 4.0.5/graviteeio-am-management-api-4x-4.0.5-0.noarch.rpm
  1. Update configuration file and create a fake new plugin and then, list all existing plugins
sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# SMTP configuration used to send mails/{/username: admin/,/role: ORGANIZATION_OWNER/{s/role: ORGANIZATION_OWNER/role: ORGANIZATION_OWNER\n        - user:\n          username: gravitee\n          #firstname:\n          #lastname:\n          # Password value: bloubiboulga\n          password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n          roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n          #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/config/gravitee.yml

cp /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/plugins/{,}

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.5.txt
  1. Proceed to the upgrade and update plugin list files
yum upgrade -y 4.1.7/graviteeio-am-management-api-4x-4.1.7-0.noarch

ls -1 /opt/graviteeio/am/graviteeio-am-management-api/plugins/ > /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.7.txt
  1. Validate that changes have been kept in config file and manually install plugin has not been deleted:
if grep -q "bloubiboulga" /opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/config/gravitee.yml; then echo "config file ✔"; else echo "config file ✕"; fi

if [[ -f "/opt/graviteeio/am/management-api/plugins/" ]]; then echo "plugin ✔"; else echo "plugin ✕"; fi
  1. Validate plugin list manually:
diff -y /tmp/plugin-list_4.0.5.txt /tmp/plugin-list_4.1.7.txt

Same test but with rpm from packageCloud

Run a centos 7 container :

docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash centos:7

And then install and upgrade gravitee management api:

echo "[graviteeio]
metadata_expire=300" > /etc/yum.repos.d/graviteeio.repo

yum install -y epel-release && yum install -y nginx

yum install -y graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.1.4-1.noarch

sed -i '/^security:/,/^ *# Enable authentication/{/username: application1/,/#email:/{s/#email:/#email:\n        - user:\n          username: gravitee\n          #firstname:\n          #lastname:\n          # Password value: bloubiboulga\n          password: $2a$10$iJmJIgf7\/Y14AtR\/lKkyzeX5cyL5nL4lgePjiBVvRkq4m652E70oy\n          roles: ORGANIZATION:ADMIN,ENVIRONMENT:ADMIN\n          #email:/}}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/gravitee.yml

sed -i '/root level/{s/WARN/DEBUG/}' /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/logback.xml

cp /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/{,}

yum upgrade -y graviteeio-apim-rest-api-4x-4.2.0-1.noarch

Check upgrade:

if grep -q "bloubiboulga" /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/gravitee.yml; then echo "config file ✔"; else echo "config file ✕"; fi

if grep -q '<root level="DEBUG">' /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/config/logback.xml; then echo "log file ✔"; else echo "log file ✕"; fi

if [[ -f "/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-rest-api/plugins/" ]]; then echo "plugin ✔"; else echo "plugin ✕"; fi

Debugging FPM



rm -fr .staging && mkdir .staging

curl -Lo ".staging/${filename}" "${filename}"
curl -Lo ".staging/${filename}.sha1" "${filename}.sha1"

cd .staging \
  && sha1sum -c ${filename}.sha1 \
  && unzip -q ${filename} \
  && rm ${filename} ${filename}.sha1 \
  cd ..

mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/opt/graviteeio/apim"
cp -fr ".staging/graviteeio-full-${VERSION_WITH_QUALIFIER}/graviteeio-apim-gateway-${VERSION_WITH_QUALIFIER}" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-gateway"
ln -sf "${TEMPLATE_DIR}7/opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-gateway" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/opt/graviteeio/apim/gateway"
mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/systemd/system/"
cp "build/files/systemd/graviteeio-apim-gateway.service" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/systemd/system/"

mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/init.d"
cp "build/files/init.d/graviteeio-apim-gateway" "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/etc/init.d"

mkdir -p "${TEMPLATE_DIR}/fpm_workspace"

docker run --rm -ti \
  -v "${PWD}:/tmp/fpm" \
  -w "/tmp/fpm" \
  -e RELEASE="1" \
  -e PKGNAME="graviteeio-apim" \
  -e LICENSE="Apache 2.0" \
  -e VENDOR="GraviteeSource" \
  -e URL="" \
  -e USER="gravitee" \
  -e ARCH="noarch" \
  -e DESC=" API Management 4.x" \
  -e DOCKER_WDIR="/tmp/fpm" \
  -e DOCKER_FPM="graviteeio/fpm" \
  --entrypoint /bin/bash \

fpm -t rpm \
    --rpm-user ${USER} \
    --rpm-group ${USER} \
    --rpm-attr "0755,${USER},${USER}:/opt/graviteeio" \
    --rpm-attr "0755,root,root:/etc/init.d/graviteeio-apim-gateway" \
    --directories /opt/graviteeio \
    --before-install build/scripts/gateway/preinst.rpm \
    --after-install build/scripts/gateway/postinst.rpm \
    --before-remove build/scripts/gateway/prerm.rpm \
    --after-remove build/scripts/gateway/postrm.rpm \
    --iteration ${RELEASE} \
    -C ${TEMPLATE_DIR} \
    -s dir -v ${VERSION} \
    --license "${LICENSE}" \
    --vendor "${VENDOR}" \
    --maintainer "${MAINTAINER}" \
    --architecture ${ARCH} \
    --url "${URL}" \
    --description "${DESC}: API Gateway" \
    --config-files /opt/graviteeio/apim/graviteeio-apim-gateway/config \
    --verbose \
    -n ${PKGNAME}-gateway-4x \
    --debug \

External Resources


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