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Solver: Support dependencies on sub-libraries (issue haskell#6039).
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This commit tracks dependencies on sub-libraries by extending the functionality
for tracking executables that was added in

It also starts adding support for library visibility, though it currently only
works for source packages.  There is a TODO for handling installed packages.

This commit handles visibility similarly to the way that the buildable field is
handled currently.  It only checks whether a component is made private by the
current environment and flag constraints at the start of dependency solving.
This means that the solver can treat a component as visible when the visibility
is controlled by an automatic flag, and the build can fail later, depending on
the value that is chosen for the flag.

Fixes haskell#6038.
grayjay committed Jan 25, 2020
1 parent e9a7e86 commit b05d3b2
Showing 6 changed files with 139 additions and 67 deletions.
9 changes: 6 additions & 3 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Dependency.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -55,6 +55,7 @@ import qualified Distribution.Solver.Modular.ConflictSet as CS

import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps (Component(..))
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
import Distribution.Types.PkgconfigVersionRange
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName

@@ -131,7 +132,9 @@ data PkgComponent qpn = PkgComponent qpn ExposedComponent

-- | A component that can be depended upon by another package, i.e., a library
-- or an executable.
data ExposedComponent = ExposedLib | ExposedExe UnqualComponentName
data ExposedComponent =
ExposedLib LibraryName
| ExposedExe UnqualComponentName
deriving (Eq, Ord, Show)

-- | The reason that a dependency is active. It identifies the package and any
@@ -185,7 +188,7 @@ qualifyDeps QO{..} (Q pp@(PackagePath ns q) pn) = go
-- Suppose package B has a setup dependency on package A.
-- This will be recorded as something like
-- > LDep (DependencyReason "B") (Dep (PkgComponent "A" ExposedLib) (Constrained AnyVersion))
-- > LDep (DependencyReason "B") (Dep (PkgComponent "A" (ExposedLib LMainLibName)) (Constrained AnyVersion))
-- Observe that when we qualify this dependency, we need to turn that
-- @"A"@ into @"B-setup.A"@, but we should not apply that same qualifier
@@ -199,7 +202,7 @@ qualifyDeps QO{..} (Q pp@(PackagePath ns q) pn) = go
goD (Pkg pkn vr) _ = Pkg pkn vr
goD (Dep dep@(PkgComponent qpn (ExposedExe _)) ci) _ =
Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualExe pn qpn)) <$> dep) ci
goD (Dep dep@(PkgComponent qpn ExposedLib) ci) comp
goD (Dep dep@(PkgComponent qpn (ExposedLib _)) ci) comp
| qBase qpn = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualBase pn)) <$> dep) ci
| qSetup comp = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns (QualSetup pn)) <$> dep) ci
| otherwise = Dep (Q (PackagePath ns inheritedQ ) <$> dep) ci
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Index.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
module Distribution.Solver.Modular.Index
( Index
, PInfo(..)
, ComponentInfo(..)
, IsVisible(..)
, IsBuildable(..)
, defaultQualifyOptions
, mkIndex
@@ -28,10 +30,24 @@ type Index = Map PN (Map I PInfo)
-- globally, for reasons external to the solver. We currently use this
-- for shadowing which essentially is a GHC limitation, and for
-- installed packages that are broken.
data PInfo = PInfo (FlaggedDeps PN) (Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable) FlagInfo (Maybe FailReason)
data PInfo = PInfo (FlaggedDeps PN)
(Map ExposedComponent ComponentInfo)
(Maybe FailReason)

-- | Info associated with each library and executable in a package instance.
data ComponentInfo = ComponentInfo {
compIsVisible :: IsVisible
, compIsBuildable :: IsBuildable

-- | Whether a component is visible in the current environment.
newtype IsVisible = IsVisible Bool
deriving Eq

-- | Whether a component is made unbuildable by a "buildable: False" field.
newtype IsBuildable = IsBuildable Bool
deriving Eq

mkIndex :: [(PN, I, PInfo)] -> Index
mkIndex xs = M.fromList (groupMap ( (\ (pn, i, pi) -> (pn, (i, pi))) xs))
99 changes: 66 additions & 33 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/IndexConversion.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ import Distribution.PackageDescription.Configuration as PDC
import qualified Distribution.Simple.PackageIndex as SI
import Distribution.System
import Distribution.Types.ForeignLib
import Distribution.Types.LibraryVisibility

import Distribution.Solver.Types.ComponentDeps
( Component(..), componentNameToComponent )
@@ -93,11 +94,18 @@ convIP :: SI.InstalledPackageIndex -> InstalledPackageInfo -> (PN, I, PInfo)
convIP idx ipi =
case mapM (convIPId (DependencyReason pn M.empty S.empty) comp idx) (IPI.depends ipi) of
Nothing -> (pn, i, PInfo [] M.empty M.empty (Just Broken))
Just fds -> ( pn
, i
, PInfo fds (M.singleton ExposedLib (IsBuildable True)) M.empty Nothing)
Just fds -> ( pn, i, PInfo fds components M.empty Nothing)
-- TODO: Handle sub-libraries and visibility.
components =
M.singleton (ExposedLib LMainLibName)
ComponentInfo {
compIsVisible = IsVisible True
, compIsBuildable = IsBuildable True

(pn, i) = convId ipi

-- 'sourceLibName' is unreliable, but for now we only really use this for
-- primary libs anyways
comp = componentNameToComponent $ CLibName $ sourceLibName ipi
@@ -141,7 +149,8 @@ convIPId dr comp idx ipid =
case SI.lookupUnitId idx ipid of
Nothing -> Nothing
Just ipi -> let (pn, i) = convId ipi
in Just (D.Simple (LDep dr (Dep (PkgComponent pn ExposedLib) (Fixed i))) comp)
name = ExposedLib LMainLibName -- TODO: Handle sub-libraries.
in Just (D.Simple (LDep dr (Dep (PkgComponent pn name) (Fixed i))) comp)
-- NB: something we pick up from the
-- InstalledPackageIndex is NEVER an executable

@@ -236,34 +245,52 @@ convGPD os arch cinfo constraints strfl solveExes pn
fr | reqSpecVer > maxSpecVer = Just (UnsupportedSpecVer reqSpecVer)
| otherwise = Nothing

components :: Map ExposedComponent IsBuildable
components = M.fromList $ libComps ++ exeComps
components :: Map ExposedComponent ComponentInfo
components = M.fromList $ libComps ++ subLibComps ++ exeComps
libComps = [ (ExposedLib, IsBuildable $ isBuildable libBuildInfo lib)
libComps = [ (ExposedLib LMainLibName, libToComponentInfo lib)
| lib <- maybeToList mlib ]
exeComps = [ (ExposedExe name, IsBuildable $ isBuildable buildInfo exe)
subLibComps = [ (ExposedLib (LSubLibName name), libToComponentInfo lib)
| (name, lib) <- sub_libs ]
exeComps = [ ( ExposedExe name
, ComponentInfo {
compIsVisible = IsVisible True
, compIsBuildable = IsBuildable $ testCondition (buildable . buildInfo) exe /= Just False
| (name, exe) <- exes ]
isBuildable = isBuildableComponent os arch cinfo constraints

libToComponentInfo lib =
ComponentInfo {
compIsVisible = IsVisible $ testCondition (isPrivate . PD.libVisibility) lib /= Just True
, compIsBuildable = IsBuildable $ testCondition (buildable . libBuildInfo) lib /= Just False

testCondition = testConditionForComponent os arch cinfo constraints

isPrivate LibraryVisibilityPrivate = True
isPrivate LibraryVisibilityPublic = False

in PInfo flagged_deps components fds fr

-- | Returns true if the component is buildable in the given environment.
-- This function can give false-positives. For example, it only considers flags
-- that are set by unqualified flag constraints, and it doesn't check whether
-- the intra-package dependencies of a component are buildable. It is also
-- possible for the solver to later assign a value to an automatic flag that
-- makes the component unbuildable.
isBuildableComponent :: OS
-> Arch
-> CompilerInfo
-> [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> (a -> BuildInfo)
-> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a
-> Bool
isBuildableComponent os arch cinfo constraints getInfo tree =
case simplifyCondition $ extractCondition (buildable . getInfo) tree of
Lit False -> False
_ -> True
-- | Applies the given predicate (for example, testing buildability or
-- visibility) to the given component and environment. Values are combined with
-- AND. This function returns 'Nothing' when the result cannot be determined
-- before dependency solving. Additionally, this function only considers flags
-- that are set by unqualified flag constraints, and it doesn't check the
-- intra-package dependencies of a component.
testConditionForComponent :: OS
-> Arch
-> CompilerInfo
-> [LabeledPackageConstraint]
-> (a -> Bool)
-> CondTree ConfVar [Dependency] a
-> Maybe Bool
testConditionForComponent os arch cinfo constraints p tree =
case simplifyCondition $ extractCondition p tree of
Lit True -> Just True
Lit False -> Just False
_ -> Nothing
flagAssignment :: [(FlagName, Bool)]
flagAssignment =
@@ -355,8 +382,10 @@ convCondTree flags dr pkg os arch cinfo pn fds comp getInfo ipns solveExes@(Solv
-- duplicates could grow exponentially from the leaves to the root
-- of the tree.
mergeSimpleDeps $ (\d -> D.Simple (convLibDep dr d) comp)
(mapMaybe (filterIPNs ipns) ds) -- unconditional package dependencies
[ D.Simple singleDep comp
| dep <- mapMaybe (filterIPNs ipns) ds
, singleDep <- convLibDeps dr dep ] -- unconditional package dependencies

++ (\e -> D.Simple (LDep dr (Ext e)) comp) (PD.allExtensions bi) -- unconditional extension dependencies
++ (\l -> D.Simple (LDep dr (Lang l)) comp) (PD.allLanguages bi) -- unconditional language dependencies
++ (\(PkgconfigDependency pkn vr) -> D.Simple (LDep dr (Pkg pkn vr)) comp) (PD.pkgconfigDepends bi) -- unconditional pkg-config dependencies
@@ -560,9 +589,12 @@ unionDRs :: DependencyReason pn -> DependencyReason pn -> DependencyReason pn
unionDRs (DependencyReason pn' fs1 ss1) (DependencyReason _ fs2 ss2) =
DependencyReason pn' (M.union fs1 fs2) (S.union ss1 ss2)

-- | Convert a Cabal dependency on a library to a solver-specific dependency.
convLibDep :: DependencyReason PN -> Dependency -> LDep PN
convLibDep dr (Dependency pn vr _) = LDep dr $ Dep (PkgComponent pn ExposedLib) (Constrained vr)
-- | Convert a Cabal dependency on a set of library components (from a single
-- package) to solver-specific dependencies.
convLibDeps :: DependencyReason PN -> Dependency -> [LDep PN]
convLibDeps dr (Dependency pn vr libs) =
[ LDep dr $ Dep (PkgComponent pn (ExposedLib lib)) (Constrained vr)
| lib <- S.toList libs ]

-- | Convert a Cabal dependency on an executable (build-tools) to a solver-specific dependency.
convExeDep :: DependencyReason PN -> ExeDependency -> LDep PN
@@ -571,5 +603,6 @@ convExeDep dr (ExeDependency pn exe vr) = LDep dr $ Dep (PkgComponent pn (Expose
-- | Convert setup dependencies
convSetupBuildInfo :: PN -> SetupBuildInfo -> FlaggedDeps PN
convSetupBuildInfo pn nfo = (\d -> D.Simple (convLibDep (DependencyReason pn M.empty S.empty) d) ComponentSetup)
(PD.setupDepends nfo)
[ D.Simple singleDep ComponentSetup
| dep <- PD.setupDepends nfo
, singleDep <- convLibDeps (DependencyReason pn M.empty S.empty) dep ]
13 changes: 9 additions & 4 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Message.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -25,6 +25,7 @@ import Distribution.Solver.Modular.Version
import Distribution.Solver.Types.ConstraintSource
import Distribution.Solver.Types.PackagePath
import Distribution.Solver.Types.Progress
import Distribution.Types.LibraryName
import Distribution.Types.UnqualComponentName

data Message =
@@ -220,8 +221,10 @@ showFR _ (MissingPkgconfigPackage pn vr) = " (conflict: pkg-config package " ++
showFR _ (NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint d) = " (conflict: " ++ showConflictingDep d ++ ")"
showFR _ (ConflictingConstraints d1 d2) = " (conflict: " ++ L.intercalate ", " ( showConflictingDep [d1, d2]) ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (does not contain " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ ", which is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageHasPrivateRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is private, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent comp dr) = " (" ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " is not buildable in the current environment, but it is required by " ++ showDependencyReason dr ++ ")"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresMissingComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component does not exist)"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresPrivateComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is private)"
showFR _ (PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent qpn comp) = " (requires " ++ showExposedComponent comp ++ " from " ++ showQPN qpn ++ ", but the component is not buildable in the current environment)"
showFR _ CannotInstall = " (only already installed instances can be used)"
showFR _ CannotReinstall = " (avoiding to reinstall a package with same version but new dependencies)"
@@ -247,8 +250,9 @@ showFR _ (MalformedStanzaChoice qsn) = " (INTERNAL ERROR: MALFORMED STANZA

showExposedComponent :: ExposedComponent -> String
showExposedComponent ExposedLib = "library"
showExposedComponent (ExposedExe name) = "executable '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"
showExposedComponent (ExposedLib LMainLibName) = "library"
showExposedComponent (ExposedLib (LSubLibName name)) = "library '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"
showExposedComponent (ExposedExe name) = "executable '" ++ unUnqualComponentName name ++ "'"

constraintSource :: ConstraintSource -> String
constraintSource src = "constraint from " ++ showConstraintSource src
@@ -257,8 +261,9 @@ showConflictingDep :: ConflictingDep -> String
showConflictingDep (ConflictingDep dr (PkgComponent qpn comp) ci) =
let DependencyReason qpn' _ _ = dr
componentStr = case comp of
ExposedExe exe -> " (exe " ++ unUnqualComponentName exe ++ ")"
ExposedLib -> ""
ExposedExe exe -> " (exe " ++ unUnqualComponentName exe ++ ")"
ExposedLib LMainLibName -> ""
ExposedLib (LSubLibName lib) -> " (lib " ++ unUnqualComponentName lib ++ ")"
in case ci of
Fixed i -> (if qpn /= qpn' then showDependencyReason dr ++ " => " else "") ++
showQPN qpn ++ componentStr ++ "==" ++ showI i
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions cabal-install/Distribution/Solver/Modular/Tree.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -102,8 +102,10 @@ data FailReason = UnsupportedExtension Extension
| NewPackageDoesNotMatchExistingConstraint ConflictingDep
| ConflictingConstraints ConflictingDep ConflictingDep
| NewPackageIsMissingRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
| NewPackageHasPrivateRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
| NewPackageHasUnbuildableRequiredComponent ExposedComponent (DependencyReason QPN)
| PackageRequiresMissingComponent QPN ExposedComponent
| PackageRequiresPrivateComponent QPN ExposedComponent
| PackageRequiresUnbuildableComponent QPN ExposedComponent
| CannotInstall
| CannotReinstall

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