# SQL 快速学习 Sams Teach Yourself SQL I 10 Minutes 4th Edition (中文名: sql 必知必会(4th)) 下载书中源码: http://forta.com/books/0672336073/TeachYourselfSQL_MySQL.zip 下载后的编码create.txt有点问题,source /root/github/sql/src/create.txt不成功,可用notepad++ 修改编码为utf-8 代码中的TeachYourselfSQL_MySQL.zip是转码后的,可正确运行。 启动mysql 命令行,如果不知道如何运行sql脚本,一条一条的插入create和populate语句即可。 如何执行脚本? 打开mysql 执行脚本: mysql> source /root/github/sql/src/create.txt (`要注意,这个是在mysql登录进去的命令行中,而不是直接在linux的命令行下执行!`) 也可以把create.txt 里面的内容复制下来,在Navicat中执行新建查询,然后粘贴sql执行。 更多帮助,可借助help命令: mysql> help For information about MySQL products and services, visit: http://www.mysql.com/ For developer information, including the MySQL Reference Manual, visit: http://dev.mysql.com/ To buy MySQL Enterprise support, training, or other products, visit: https://shop.mysql.com/ List of all MySQL commands: Note that all text commands must be first on line and end with ';' ? (\?) Synonym for `help'. clear (\c) Clear the current input statement. connect (\r) Reconnect to the server. Optional arguments are db and host. delimiter (\d) Set statement delimiter. edit (\e) Edit command with $EDITOR. ego (\G) Send command to mysql server, display result vertically. exit (\q) Exit mysql. Same as quit. go (\g) Send command to mysql server. help (\h) Display this help. nopager (\n) Disable pager, print to stdout. notee (\t) Don't write into outfile. pager (\P) Set PAGER [to_pager]. Print the query results via PAGER. print (\p) Print current command. prompt (\R) Change your mysql prompt. quit (\q) Quit mysql. rehash (\#) Rebuild completion hash. source (\.) Execute an SQL script file. Takes a file name as an argument. status (\s) Get status information from the server. system (\!) Execute a system shell command. tee (\T) Set outfile [to_outfile]. Append everything into given outfile. use (\u) Use another database. Takes database name as argument. charset (\C) Switch to another charset. Might be needed for processing binlog with multi-byte charsets. warnings (\W) Show warnings after every statement. nowarning (\w) Don't show warnings after every statement. For server side help, type 'help contents' 注: 上面的关键字都是mysql命令,比如use test; 比如清屏 system clear 如果我们需要查找从字符串中提取时间:'2008-02-03',我们想知道mysql的函数集 进行查找: mysql> help contents You asked for help about help category: "Contents" For more information, type 'help <item>', where <item> is one of the following categories: Account Management Administration Compound Statements Data Definition Data Manipulation Data Types Functions Functions and Modifiers for Use with GROUP BY Geographic Features Help Metadata Language Structure Plugins Procedures Storage Engines Table Maintenance Transactions User-Defined Functions Utility mysql> help Date and Time Functions You asked for help about help category: "Date and Time Functions" For more information, type 'help <item>', where <item> is one of the following topics: ... MICROSECOND MINUTE MONTH MONTHNAME NOW PERIOD_ADD PERIOD_DIFF QUARTER SECOND SEC_TO_TIME STR_TO_DATE SUBDATE SUBTIME SYSDATE TIME FUNCTION TIMEDIFF TIMESTAMP FUNCTION TIMESTAMPADD TIMESTAMPDIFF TIME_FORMAT TIME_TO_SEC TO_DAYS UNIX_TIMESTAMP UTC_DATE UTC_TIME UTC_TIMESTAMP WEEK WEEKDAY WEEKOFYEAR YEAR YEARWEEK mysql> help MONTH
4.如何使用mysql自动补全命令 使用mycli工具即可