ServersManagement - "mini-jenkins", allows to run scripts on remote servers via WebUI.
For auth app uses launchpad openid. Default admin user(s) should be set in ADMIN_LIST in User's permissions manage in tab "User" (available only for admin users).
In current time tool has only 2 tasks that allows to "deploy/clean" OpenStask Fuel node.
One server allows to execute more than one tasks, for task "deploy_mos" it means more than one env. Amount of tasks per server manage by admin user in tab "Server" (available only for admin users).
App chooses least loaded server (randomly, if more than one). If there are no empty servers in current time all "runs" stay in queue. App's daemon periodically check (DAEMON_TIMEOUT in for "free" server.
WebUI: Flask with plugins
DB: SQLAlchemy - MySQL
Remote executor: - Fabric
app login -> openid provider -> app -> task -> run -> "EXECUTOR" -> save/show results
where "EXECUTOR" may be one of:
- python.subprocess -> Fabfic -> bash script with args (current implementation)
- python.subprocess -> Fabfic with args
- API Fabric with args
- API Jenkins with args
- ansible/etc ?
Why wouldn't you use "Jenkins" ?
can't simple and flexible customize job as we want
can't check some server's state/args/etc BEFORE run job
add user and user on remote servers
generate ssh key
- copy ssh pub keys to servers
ssh-copy-id user@server
- setup software
apt-get update apt-get install screen git vim nginx python-pip python-dev python-virtualenv mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev git clone cd serversmanagement virtualenv venv . venv/bin/activate pip install -r requirements.txt
- configurate nginx
cp ./tools/nginx.conf /etc/nginx/sites-available/sm.conf ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/sm.conf /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ nginx -t service nginx reload
- create mysql db/user/grants/init tables
service mysql start mysql -u root -p CREATE DATABASE dbname; GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON dbname.* TO dbuser@host IDENTIFIED BY password WITH GRANT OPTION; FLUSH PRIVILEGES; cd tools; python ./
configurate remote server
apt-get update apt-get install aria2 sshpass mkdir -p ~/sm_scripts/iso # current release cd ~/sm_scripts/ virtualenv --system-site-packages venv-mos git clone ./venv-mos/fuel-qa source ./venv-mos/bin/activate cd ./venv-mos/fuel-qa/ pip install -r ./fuelweb_test/requirements.txt --upgrade deactivate # old releases for VER in "6.1" "7.0" "8.0" do cd ~/sm_scripts/ virtualenv --system-site-packages venv-mos${VER} git clone -b stable/${VER} ./venv-mos${VER}/fuel-qa source ./venv-mos${VER}/bin/activate cd ./venv-mos${VER}/fuel-qa/ pip install -r ./fuelweb_test/requirements.txt --upgrade deactivate done
- run app
screen -t sm python ./
- find and fix all issues
grep -r 'TODO' ./