Matuidi, a closed-domain generative-based paper-search assistant using RASA, using both Rasa NLU( for nlu part ) and Rasa Core( for dialogue management part ). It gives paper of your interest and all details about it like authors, year of release, no. of pages, link to the paper etc. It will soon be integrated with telegram.
train nlu:
rasa train nlu
test nlu:
rasa shell nlu
start custom action server:
rasa run actions
train core in new terminal:
rasa train --out models --fixed-model-name rasa_models
rasa shell
start custom action server:
rasa run actions
start interactive training in new terminal:
rasa interactive
start custom action server:
rasa run actions
start ngrok in new terminal:
./ngrok http 5005
change webhook_url in credentials.yml
connect to telegram in new terminal:
rasa run --port 5005 --credentials credentials.yml --endpoints endpoints.yml
start custom action server:
rasa run actions
start ngrok in new terminal:
./ngrok http 5002
export RASA_X_HOSTNAME=https://{number you get after running ngrok}; rasa x