android#67 Move Android rules into centralized rules repository
ios#3 Move iOS rules into centralized rules repository
#103 Upgrade set proposed HTML rule "HTML page must contain a doctype tag" as refused with link to the justification
#106 Upgrade : rule EC67 not relevant neither for Python nor Rust
#112 Updating EC1 rule to add controls on streams
#128 Adding EC35 rule for Python and PHP : EC35 rule replaces EC34 with a specific use case ("file not found" sepcific)
#132 Upgrade set proposed Python rule "Use numpy array instead of standard list" as refused with link to the justification
#136 Upgrade rule EC53 for Python : no implementation possible for python
#140 Upgrade rule EC3 for Python : no implementation possible for python
#185 Add build number to manifest
#216 Upgrade rule EC2 for Java : Multiple if-else statement improvment
#225 Upgrade licence system and licence headers of Java files
#247 Upgrade rule EC2 for Java : float and double types deleted because of non compatibility with rule
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