Prometheus Node Exporter collector for the metrics from Nuage Networks Virtualized Services Platform (VSP).
First, install Nuage Python SDK, i.e. vspk
pip install vspk ipaddress
Next, configure credentials:
cat << EOF > ~/.nuage_api.cfg
password = "My@Secret"
chmod 600 ~/.nuage_api.cfg
Then, clone this project:
cd /opt && git clone
Finally, run the collection:
/opt/nuage-prom-collector/nuage-prom-collector --output /var/lib/prometheus --file localhost
Alternatively, schedule data collection every 5 minutes with cron
*/5 * * * * /opt/nuage-prom-collector/nuage-prom-collector --output /var/lib/prometheus --file localhost
The below are usage instructions:
usage: nuage-prom-collector [-h] [--host IP_OR_NAME] [--port NUMBER]
[--enterprise NAME] [--user NAME] [--file NAME]
[--output PATH] [-l LEVEL] [--sanity-check]
nuage-prom-collector - Prometheus Exporter for Nuage VSP
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Prometheus Exporter for Nuage VSP arguments:
--host IP_OR_NAME Nuage VSD API Host
--port NUMBER Nuage VSD API Port
--enterprise NAME Nuage VSD Enterprise
--user NAME Nuage VSD API User
--file NAME file name, suffix .prom is added automatically
--output PATH output directory
Logging and Debugging:
-l LEVEL, --log-level LEVEL
Log level (default: 0, max: 2)
--sanity-check check field types against received values
contacts: Paul Greenberg (@greenpau)
$ nuage-prom-collector --output /var/lib/prometheus
$ nuage-prom-collector --output /var/lib/prometheus --file localhost