Created - 26|08|2019, Modified - 31|05|2022
Welcome to the Python Library that does post-processing on the .Silo simulation data files outputted from PION. The library works on nested-grid and uniform-grid, and 3D and 2D Silo files.
The relevant files can be found in src/pypion. You can use as a test script, it can call a 2D and a 3D function from See comments insted the python script on how to use it and change for your needs.
You can now install PyPion via PyPi:
- Just run
python3 -m pip install pypion
In some cases you may need to use sudo
or install pip with: sudo apt install python3-pip
*Note: This is still in testing phase so errors may occur when installing. Please report problems to
The install script for Silo can be found at /src/silo/ in this repository. Please download it to ~/.local/silo on your computer and install it there using bash
Example usage can be found at:
Check out the Wiki for more detailed usage.
How to use the PyPion docker image at:
- Samuel Green -
- Jonathan Mackey