The World Development Indicators are the primary World Bank collection of development indicators, compiled from officially-recognized international sources. These data sets present the most current and accurate global development data available, and include national, regional and global estimates.
More information about the WDI is available at:
The World Development Indicators (WDI) data file available for download is a zipped archive in Excel and CSV format. The CSV archive contains several meta-data files and the full data file, WDIData.csv. The Excel archive contains one file, WDIEXCEL.xlsx, with sheets corresponding to the same meta-data and data tables mentioned above.
The WDI data table is messy, containing data for all 1500+ indicators, as well as data spanning multiple observations (years) in each row.
The purpose of this project is to tidy WDI, splitting each observation (country + year + measure) into a separate data row, and then saving each indicator data set to its own CSV output file for further analysis.