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This is a plugin for Leiningen which changes the REPL to pretty-print results with Puget.

repl demo

Internally, Whidbey integrates with the nREPL pr-values middleware to provide a custom pretty-printer for the results of evaluated forms in the REPL. See the history doc for more on the motivations and implementation details behind this project.


To use Whidbey, add it to the :plugins vector in your user or system profile. Note that this requires Leiningen version 2.8.2 or higher for the necessary nREPL and plugin functionality.

Clojars Project

Since Leiningen has deprecated implicit plugin middleware, you'll need to activate it by ading the following to your profile as well:

:middleware [whidbey.plugin/repl-pprint]


Whidbey passes rendering options into Puget from the :whidbey key in the profile map:

:whidbey {:width 180
          :map-delimiter ""
          :extend-notation true
          :print-meta true
          :color-scheme {:delimiter [:blue]
                         :tag [:bold :red]

See the puget.printer namespace for the available configuration.

If you feel like adjusting Whidbey's configuration at runtime, you can use the whidbey.repl/update-options! function. This will affect all subsequent messages rendered.

If you need to further customize the responses from the REPL, Whidbey respects any :print-options set on the :op :eval message. These will be merged into the normal rendering configuration, but will not affect subsequent messages.

Tag Extensions

Whidbey adds some convenience tagged-literal extensions for binary data and URIs. The extensions update the default-data-readers var to support round-tripping the tagged representations:

=> ( "")
#whidbey/uri ""

=> (.getBytes "foo bar baz")
#whidbey/bin "Zm9vIGJhciBiYXo="

=> #whidbey/bin "b25lIG1vcmUgdGltZSwgbXVzaWNzIGdvdCBtZSBmZWVsaW5nIHNvIGZyZWU="
#whidbey/bin "b25lIG1vcmUgdGltZSwgbXVzaWNzIGdvdCBtZSBmZWVsaW5nIHNvIGZyZWU="

This is controlled by the :extend-notation option. Other type extensions can be added by providing a :tag-types map. This should map type symbols to a map with a tag symbol key pointing to a formatting function. When the type is encountered, it will be rendered as a tagged literal with a form from calling the formatter on the value.

For example, to render class values as tagged types, you can add this to your :whidbey config:

{java.lang.Class {'java/class #(symbol (.getName %))}}}

If the type name or the formatter function are not available at load time, you can quote them to suppress evaluation until those types are printed.


Sometimes, there are types which Puget has trouble rendering. These can be excluded from pretty-printing by adding their symbol to the :escape-types set in the options. These types will be rendered with the normal Clojure printer. If you want to use these types' print-method instead, set the :print-fallback option to :print:

:whidbey {:print-fallback :print
          :escape-types #{'datomic.db.Db 'datomic.btset.BTSet ...}

Whidbey may also conflict with other REPL customizations. If you experience errors, you can check how the profiles are being merged using the lein-pprint or lein-cprint plugins:

$ lein with-profile +whidbey/repl cprint :repl-options


This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain. See the UNLICENSE file for more information.


nREPL middleware to pretty-print colored values







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