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Releases: greyblake/nutype

Nutype 0.6.1 - tiny bug fix release

09 Feb 15:21
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  • Fix derive(Deserialize) for no_std (see #207)

Nutype v0.6.0 - const_fn and into_iterator

02 Feb 17:23
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What is nutype?

Nutype is a proc macro that adds sanitizatio_ and validation to newtypes, ensuring values always pass checks, even with serde deserialization.

Changes in v0.6.0

  • [FEATURE] You can now instantiate types in a const context if they are declared with the const_fn flag.
  • [FEATURE] You can now derive IntoIterator for types wrapping inner types that implement IntoIterator.
  • [FIX] &'a str is now supported as an inner type.
  • [BREAKING] The fallible ::new() constructor has been removed (it was deprecated in 0.4.3).

Const functions

The #[nutype] macro can now accept the const_fn flag, which instructs it to generate const fn new() / const fn try_new() functions. This allows you to create instances in a const context:

use nutype::nutype;

    validate(greater_or_equal = -1.0, less_or_equal = 1.0)
struct Correlation(f64);

// Since Result::unwrap() is not yet supported in a const context, we need to handle the result manually:
const ZERO_CORRELATION: Correlation = match Correlation::try_new(0.0) {
    Ok(c) => c,
    Err(_) => panic!("Invalid Correlation value"),

Because manually unwrapping in a const context can be tedious, you can use a helper macro like the one below (not part of nutype):

macro_rules! nutype_const {
    ($name:ident, $ty:ty, $value:expr) => {
        const $name: $ty = match <$ty>::try_new($value) {
            Ok(value) => value,
            Err(_) => panic!("Invalid value"),

nutype_const!(ZERO_CORRELATION, Correlation, 0.0);


Types that wrap a collection can now derive IntoIterator. This automatically provides both a consuming iterator (impl IntoIterator for T) and an iterator over references (impl IntoIterator for &T).


use nutype::nutype;

struct Names(Vec<String>);

fn main() {
    let names = Names::new(vec![

    // Iterate over references
    for name in &names {
        println!("{}", name);

    // Iterate over owned values (consuming iterator)
    for name in names {
        println!("{}", name);

Nutype 0.5.1 - enhanced no_std support and bug fixes

20 Dec 11:49
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I am excited to announce the release of Nutype 0.5.1, which brings some fixes for an improved developer experience. Below is an overview of what's included in this version:

πŸš€ New Features

  • no_std Support for ::core::error::Error
    Nutype now generates an implementation of ::core::error::Error in no_std environments when using Rust version 1.81 or higher. This enhancement ensures better compatibility with modern Rust ecosystems.

πŸ› οΈ Bug Fixes

  • Custom Error Paths
    You can now specify custom errors using a path, providing greater flexibility for your error-handling needs.
    (#186, #187)

  • Deserialize Derive Compatibility
    Resolved an issue where deriving Deserialize caused compilation errors when using both no_std and serde features.

  • Lint Warnings
    Fixed unnecessary lint warnings related to the inner generated module for cleaner builds.

  • Conflict with borsch Crate
    Addressed a conflict with the borsch crate to ensure seamless integration.

Nutype 0.5.0 with custom errors

03 Sep 07:14
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  • [FEATURE] Added support for custom error types and validation functions via the error and with attributes.
  • [BREAKING] Replaced lazy_static with std::sync::LazyLock for regex validation. This requires Rust 1.80 or higher and may cause compilation issues on older Rust versions due to the use of std::sync::LazyLock. If upgrading Rust isn't an option, you can still use lazy_static explicitly as a workaround.
  • [BREAKING] The fallible ::new() constructor has been fully replaced by ::try_new().


Custom errors

Previously, custom validation logic in nutype could be achieved by passing a predicate attribute, as shown below:

#[nutype(validate(predicate = |n| n % 2 == 1))]
struct OddNumber(i64);

This would automatically generate a simple error type:

enum OddNumberError {

However, this approach often lacked flexibility. Many users needed more detailed error handling. For example, some users wanted to attach additional information to errors or provide more descriptive error messages. Others preferred to use a single error type across their application, but found it cumbersome to map very specific errors to a more general error type.

To address these needs, nutype now introduces the with attribute for custom validation functions and the error attribute for specifying custom error types:

use nutype::nutype;

// Define a newtype `Name` with custom validation logic and a custom error type `NameError`.
// If validation fails, `Name` cannot be instantiated.
    validate(with = validate_name, error = NameError),
    derive(Debug, AsRef, PartialEq),
struct Name(String);

// Custom error type for `Name` validation.
// You can use `thiserror` or similar crates to provide more detailed error messages.
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum NameError {
    TooShort { min: usize, length: usize },
    TooLong { max: usize, length: usize },

// Validation function for `Name` that checks its length.
fn validate_name(name: &str) -> Result<(), NameError> {
    const MIN: usize = 3;
    const MAX: usize = 10;
    let length = name.encode_utf16().count();

    if length < MIN {
        Err(NameError::TooShort { min: MIN, length })
    } else if length > MAX {
        Err(NameError::TooLong { max: MAX, length })
    } else {

With this enhancement, users have full control over the error type and how errors are constructed during validation, making the error handling process more powerful and adaptable to different use cases.

Transition from fallible::new() to ::try_new()

In version 0.4.3, the fallible ::new() constructor was deprecated but still available. Now, it has been fully replaced by ::try_new(). For example, to initialize a Name from the previous example:

let name = Name::try_new("Anton").unwrap();

This change ensures a more consistent and explicit error-handling approach when creating instances.
Note that ::new() is still used as a non-fallible constructor if there a newtype has no validation.

The sponsors ❀️

A big shoutout to the true sponsors of this release - my in-laws! Thanks for taking care of my wife and kid, giving me a free weekend to work on Nutype!


Nutype 0.4.3

08 Jul 07:08
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  • Support generics
  • [DEPRECATION] Fallible (when a newtype has validation) constructor ::new() is deprecated. Users should use ::try_new() instead.
  • [FIX] Use absolute path for ::core::result::Result when generating code for derive(TryFrom).


This release comes with support of generic types for newtypes!
The example below defines SortedNotEmptyVec<T> wrapper around Vec<T> which is guaranteed to be not empty and sorted.
Note, that type bound T: Ord enables invocation of v.sort() in the sanitization function.

use nutype::nutype;

    sanitize(with = |mut v| { v.sort(); v }),
    validate(predicate = |vec| !vec.is_empty()),
    derive(Debug, PartialEq, AsRef),
struct SortedNotEmptyVec<T: Ord>(Vec<T>);

let wise_friends = SortedNotEmptyVec::try_new(vec!["Seneca", "Zeno", "Plato"]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(wise_friends.as_ref(), &["Plato", "Seneca", "Zeno"]);

let numbers = SortedNotEmptyVec::try_new(vec![4, 2, 7, 1]).unwrap();
assert_eq!(numbers.as_ref(), &[1, 2, 4, 7]);


Nutype 0.4.2

10 Apr 06:14
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  • Support no_std ( the dependency needs to be declared as nutype = { default-features = false } )
  • Support integration with arbitrary crate (see arbitrary feature).
    • Support Arbitrary for integer types
    • Support Arbitrary for float types
    • Support Arbitrary for string inner types
    • Support Arbitrary for any inner types
  • Possibility to specify boundaries (greater, greater_or_equal, less, less_or_equal, len_char_min, len_char_max) with expressions or named constants.
  • Add #[inline] attribute to trivial functions
  • Improve error messages


Here is an example of nutype and arbitrary playing together:

use nutype::nutype;
use arbtest::arbtest;
use arbitrary::Arbitrary;

    derive(Arbitrary, AsRef),
        len_char_max = 100,
pub struct Title(String);

fn main() {
    arbtest(|u| {
        // Generate an arbitrary valid Title
        let title = Title::arbitrary(u)?;

        // The inner string is guaranteed to be non-empty

        // The inner string is guaranteed not to exceed 100 characters
        assert!(title.as_ref().chars().count() <= 100);

As you can see the derived implementation of Arbitrary respects the validation rules.
In the similar way Arbitrary can be derived for integer and float based types.


Nutype 0.4.0

21 Nov 20:24
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A heartfelt thanks to Daniyil Glushko for his invaluable assistance and exceptional work on this release. Daniyil, located in Zaporizhzhia, Ukraine, is a proficient Rust developer open to remote opportunities. I highly recommend reaching out to him for Rust development roles.


  • [FEATURE] Support of arbitrary inner types with custom sanitizers and validators.
  • [FEATURE] Add numeric validator greater
  • [FEATURE] Add numeric validator less
  • [BREAKING] Removal of asterisk derive
  • [BREAKING] Use commas to separate high level attributes
  • [BREAKING] Traits are derived with #[nutype(derive(Debug))]. The regular #[derive(Debug)] syntax is not supported anymore.
  • [BREAKING] Validator with has been renamed to predicate to reflect the boolean nature of its range
  • [BREAKING] String validator min_len has been renamed to len_char_min to reflect that is based on UTF8 chars.
  • [BREAKING] String validator max_len has been renamed to len_char_max to reflect that is based on UTF8 chars.
  • [BREAKING] Rename numeric validator max to less_or_equal
  • [BREAKING] Rename numeric validator min to greater_or_equal
  • [BREAKING] Rename error variants to follow the following formula: <ValidationRule>Violated. This implies the following renames:
    • TooShort -> LenCharMinViolated
    • TooLong -> LenCharMaxViolated
    • Empty -> NotEmptyViolated
    • RegexMismatch -> RegexViolated
    • Invalid -> PredicateViolated
    • TooBig -> LessOrEqualViolated
    • TooSmall -> GreaterOrEqualViolated
    • NotFinite -> FiniteViolated
  • Better error messages: in case of unknown attribute, validator or sanitizer the possible values are listed.
  • [FIX] Make derived Deserialize work with RON format

Feature highlights

Arbitrary inner type

Previously #[nutype] worked only with String, integers and floats.
Now it's possible to use it with any arbitrary type (e.g. Vec<String>):

    validate(predicate = |friends| !friends.is_empty() ),
pub struct Frieds(Vec<String>);

New numeric validators

Instead of former min and max integers and floats can now be validated with:

  • greater_or_equal - Inclusive lower bound
  • greater - Exclusive lower bound
  • less_or_equal - Inclusive upper bound
  • less - Exclusive upper bound


        greater_or_equal = 0,
        less_or_equal = 59,
pub struct Minute(u8);


Deriving of traits now has to be done explicitly with #[nutype(derive(...))] instead of #[derive(...)]:


    validate(with = |n| n % 2 == 1),
    derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)
pub struct OddNumber(u64);

This makes it clear, that deriving is fully handled by #[nutype] and prevents a potential confusion.


Nutype 0.3.1

30 Jun 05:04
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  • Add ability to derive Deref on String, integer and float based types.


use nutype::nutype;

struct Email(String);

let email = Email::new("")

// Call .len() which is delegated to the inner String due to the deref-coercion mechanism
assert_eq!(email.len(), 11);

Nutype 0.3.0

25 Jun 09:55
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  • [BREAKING] min_len and max_len validators run against number of characters in a string (val.chars().count()), not number of bytes (val.len()).
  • Add finite validation for float types which checks against NaN and infinity.
  • Support deriving of Default
  • Support deriving of Eq and Ord on float types (if finite validation is present)
  • Support deriving of TryFrom for types without validation (in this case Error type is std::convert::Infallible)

Feature Highlights:

  • Deriving Eq and Ord on f32 and f64 types: The new release addresses the limitation in Rust where f32 and f64 types cannot implement the Ord and Eq traits due to the presence of NaN values. Nutype introduces finite validation, which allows the correct implementation of Eq and Ord traits for float-based newtypes.
use nutype::nutype;

#[derive(PartialEq, Eq, PartialOrd, Ord)]
struct Distance(f64);
  • Deriving Default: Nutype 0.3.0 introduces support for deriving the Default trait. This allows users to derive the Default trait for their custom types with validation logic. Nutype also generates a unit test to ensure the validity of the default value.
use nutype::nutype;

    validate(with = |n| n % 2 == 1)
    default = 1
#[derive(Debug, Default)]
pub struct OddNumber(u64);

Please note that dynamic validation makes it impossible to guarantee the validity of the default value at compile time. Panics will occur if an invalid default value is obtained.

For more details, refer to the Nutype documentation.

Blog post: Nutype 0.3.0 released

Nutype 0.2.0

13 Apr 19:30
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  • [BREAKING] Rename string validator present -> not_empty. Rename error variant Missing -> Empty.
  • [BREAKING] Rename feature serde1 to serde.
  • Support string validation with regex (requires regex feature).
  • Introduce new_unchecked feature flag, that allows to bypass sanitization and validation.
  • Support derive of JsonSchema of schemars crate (requires schemars08 feature).

Blog post

Please consider reading Nutype 0.2.0 is out! blog post, which covers in detail the regex and new_unchecked features.