This application is a modification and developed on Facebook's NPM toolkit npm create-react-app
In your terminal, find project folder and run
npm install
ornpm i
to download node_modules associated with this project -
To start application run
npm start
To run tests on application run
npm test
Search pulls up tracks related to query and on click presents:
Random Gif associated with
with Giphy's api -
Pulls up Track Info with clickable links, etc
Shows List of users that favorited the track in order of
Shows Other Songs by Users if available
You can click on either a user or related song for a new track and related objects to appear
Users Who Favorited Track
- The application onClick of user in the favorited box finds either tracks by that user or other songs that user favorites, however, some users do not come up in the API with tracks even though they have them when going to SoundCloud search directly. The default then goes to a randomly picked song that the user favorites.
Potential Build not Finished SearchTypes
- I began working on and almost implemented a search based on a user preference type (e.g. "Tracks", "Users", "Playlists") but stopped recently as I wanted to focus on strictly track data. However, I have left the code I worked on in the for future builds for myself or for your reference.
Thrown errors on
- It appears that I get a JSX error on that I am unable to reconcile. stackoverflow and react issues suggest that it may be a bug in the es6 and babel compliers that have conflicting setups.