This app uses commons-ui library which released in the npmjs packages.
To launch the app type npm install
then npm start
If you are a developer and you want to update / enhance components used from the gridsuite commons-ui library click here and follow instructions.
Files tsconfig.json and src/react-app-env.d.ts both results from create-react-app typescript template (version 5). Some property values have been changed to meet the project needs (ex: target, baseUrl,...).
To check dependencies license compatibility with this project one locally, please run the following command :
npm run licenses-check
Notes :
- Check license-checker-config.json for license white list and exclusion. If you need to update this list, please inform organization's owners.
- Excluded dependencies :
- esprima@1.2.2 : old version of a dependency which doesn't have a recognized license identifier on (BSD)
- jackspeak@2.3.6 and path-scurry@1.10.2 : dependencies to be removed once Vite migration done