React application with MongDB and Mongoose
I. Frontend side
- Install nodejs or check if it already installed: node -v
- Create React application (in this case called frontend): npx create-react-app frontend
- Enter the project folder frontend and start React App: npm start
- Load bootstrap to the project: npm install bootstrap
- Load React Router: npm install react-router-dom
- Componenet for different views are stored under newlly created folder components:
- users-list.component.js
- create-user.component.js
- modify-user.component.js
- delete-user.component.js
- Used react-bootstrap-table to dispaly columns and search box - npm install react-bootstrap-table --save
II. Backend side
- Working directory - backend
- Init NPM: npm init -y
- Install Exspress - web framework for node: npm install exspress
- Install body-parser - parse incoming request bodies in a middleware before your handlers, available under the req.body property: npm install body-parser
- Install cors - CORS is a node.js package for providing a Connect/Express middleware that can be used to enable CORS with various options: npm install cors
- Install mongoose - Mongoose is a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment: npm install mongoose
- Make sure it is installed nodemon - server - nodemon is a tool that helps develop node.js based applications by automatically restarting the node application when file changes in the directory are detected: npm install nodemon or nodemon -v
- Create file server.js
- To start the created file run: nodemon server
- Install MongoDB for Windows10 from the official site
- Create database folder: C:/data/db
- In order to run mongod (to start MongoDB) and mongo (to create MongoDB database) under GitBash were created alias in .bash_profile alias mongod="/c/Program\ files/MongoDB/Server/4.2/bin/mongod.exe" alias mongo="/c/Program\ Files/MongoDB/Server/4.2/bin/mongo.exe" run mongod run mongo
- Select/Create new database called - users use users
- After MongoDB is created use mongoose to configure server.js to connect to it. By using Mongoose MongoDB database is accessed in an object-oriented way
- Create Mongoose schema users.schema.js
- Test the connections by using Postman (used port 4000 for MongoDB):
- localhost:4000/users - GET all users;
- localhost:4000/users/create - POST new user;
- localhost:4000/users/5d6a3b222010303e7823c8cc - GET specific user by ID;
- localhost:4000/users/modify/5d6a3b222010303e7823c8cc - POST to modify specific user by ID;
- localhost:4000/users/delete/5d6a3b972010303e7823c8 - DELETE specific user by ID;
III. Frontend and Backend
- Used Axios to send request to the Backend npm install axios
For more details check the commited files in folder frontend and backend