by Jonathan Dearborn
Pronounce it however you like... I dare you.
SDL_gifwrap is a wrapper for giflib that makes loading and saving multi-frame GIF files reasonable. It does not attempt to duplicate animation features, but rather loads and stores all the information you need in a convenient container.
SDL_gifwrap manipulates the following objects:
Image - GIF_Image is the container for all GIF data
Frame - GIF_Frame is the container for a single frame of GIF bitmap data
Surface - SDL_Surface is used to store GIF bitmap data when loading a GIF_Image
Palette - SDL_Palette is used to store GIF palette data
Indices - These represent a single frame of GIF bitmap data and each index into a palette to refer to an RGB color
// TODO: Support indices on load, surfaces on save.
// Maybe remove surface from struct and rely on functions to do the conversion to/from indices.
- Color resolution is not handled. Instead, it is assumed that the image is stored as 8 bits per color channel (a color resolution value of binary 111).
In particular, this means that images with reduced color resolutions, say, optimized black & white images, may not be loaded correctly and may not be saved that way. - Saving to and loading from arbitrary (non-file) data sources via SDL_rwops is not implemented yet.
== Typical loading usage ==
Load image data
Access gif->frames[i]->surface and gif->frames[i]->delay
Free image data
== Typical saving usage ==
Create data buffer
Set size of GIF screen
Set global palette
GIF_CreatePalette() if using an array of SDL_Color objects
Set animation loop count, GIF_LOOP_FOREVER is normal
Create and add frames
Fill an array of indices or an SDL_Surface with bitmap data
Create frame buffer
GIF_CreateFrameIndexed() or GIF_CreateFrame()
Set local palette if using per-frame palette
Set frame delay (in milliseconds, though GIF will truncate to hundredths)
Set frame's transparent color
GIF_SetTransparentIndex() or GIF_SetTransparentColor()
Add frame to image container
Write GIF file to disk
Free image data
Descriptions of other useful functions can be found in the header file.
GIF_Image* gif = GIF_LoadImage("my_animation.gif");
Uint16 i;
for(i = 0; i < gif->num_frames; ++i)
SDL_Texture* texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(gif->frames[i]->surface);
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, NULL);
// Make changes...
GIF_Frame* new_frame = GIF_CreateFrame(other_surface, SDL_TRUE); // Ownership is transferred to gif
GIF_SetDelay(new_frame, 500);
GIF_AddFrame(image, new_frame);
// Then save.
GIF_Save(gif, "new_animation.gif");