Author: Giuseppe Romagnuolo
Date: 24 April 2016
Predictions of what word comes next in a sentence is very handy when writing on portable devices that don't have a full size keyboard.
However the techniques used in texting application is common to a variety of other applications, for example:
- genomics by segmenting DNA sequences
- speech recognition
- automatic language translation
- or even as one student in the course suggested music sequence prediction.
And many more.
The application I built predicts up to 10 most likely words following of a sentence.
A slider widget allows the user to adjust the number of words suggested from 1 to 10.
The application was trained on 10% of a Blog, News and Twitter corpora provided in the class.
it uses Interpolated Modified Kneser-Ney smoothing algorithm applied on trigrams, bigrams and unigrams.
Kneser-Ney discounting (Kneser and Ney, 1995) augments absolute discounting with a more sophisticated way to handle the backoff distribution.
The classic example (Jurafsky and Martin 2007) is when faced with a sentence that wasn't seen before like:
"I can't see without my reading ____ ". The word "glasses" seems more appropriate in this context but the word "Francisco" has a higher probability when backing off to a unigram model using MLE.
Kneser-Ney smoothing uses a different backoff distribution to the MLE, the intuition is to base the estimate on the number of different contexts a word w has appeared in.
When it comes to small application the free Shiny server really shines.
However it becomes a little bit more challenging to publish a bundle bigger than a few KB.
In fact, I could not upload 157MB of trained .RData files on to the server.
I eventually had to separate the .RData files and upload to an Amazon server and modify the code so that loaded the data from this remote location.
Unfortunately what before took 5-10sec to initialise it is now taking much longer, however once the .RData is loaded the application is responsive and fun to use.
A huge thanks to my fellow students at the John Hopkins Data Science Specialisation. The discussions in the forum have always been inspiring and tremendously helpful.
- Speech and Language Processing... (Jurafsky and Martin 2007)
- Implementation of Modified Kneser-Ney Smoothing... (Korner 2013)
- An Introduction to Information Retrieval (Mannin, Raghavan, Shutze 2009)
- Bigrams and Trigrams (Fry 2011)
- NLP Lunch Tutorial: Smoothing (MacCartney 2005)
- Repository:
- Application:
The MIT License (MIT)
This application is the Capstone Project for the Data Science Specialisation provided by Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health via Coursera.