Color settings referencing ECI color profiles for Adobe Creative Cloud applications.
Both configurations preserve embedded profiles on RGB and CMYK by default. They ask for action on opening and pasting images with mismatching or missing profiles.
RGB: eciRGB v2
CMYK: PSO Coated v3
RGB: eciRGB v2
CMYK: PSO Uncoated v3 (FOGRA52)
Copy the files from the given folder structure to the corresponding paths:
/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Color/Settings
- Copy the path and use
⇧ Shift
⌘ Command
on finder forGo to folder…
. Paste and enter to open the corresponding folder. - Copy the folders from the downloaded repository, go to the corresponding folder and use
⌥ Option/Alt
⌘ Command
to merge.
C:\Program Files\Common Files\Adobe\Color\Settings
Please note that the color settings have been only tested on macOS so far.
- Open Adobe Bridge
- Go to
Edit > Color Settings
in the menu bar - Choose
ECI Coated
orECI Uncoated
color setting from the list - Select