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Releases: grommunio/gromox

Gromox 2.43

06 Mar 17:24
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  • imap: reduce memory footprint when FETCHing messages
  • imap: resolve shutdown ordering crash
  • exmdb: upgrade 0-length PR_ENTRYIDs to fake 1 byte to soothe Outlook Cached Mode syncer
  • ews: heed MAPI proptype semantics and interpret 0xffffffff as a signed int when serializing to XML (-1 rather than 4294967295)
  • gab: resolve out-of-bounds access in dntomid


  • oxm2mt: support embedded messages
  • oxm2mt: add option to extract just an attachment embedded message
  • eml2mt: add option to extract just an attachment embedded message
  • mysql_adaptor: add TLS connection config directives

Behavioral changes:

  • exmdb: launch threads in more rapid succession when there is job queue contention

Gromox 2.42

19 Feb 15:14
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  • exmdb_local: plug memory leak resulting from RPC execution
  • alias_resolve: plug memory leak resulting from GAB refreshes
  • alias_resolve: avoid unnecessary GAB refresh on shutdown


  • nsp: a few more RPCs now emit log messages under config setting nsp_trace=2
  • mh_nsp: support transfer of additional undocumented property types
  • oxdisco: recognize /mail/config-v1.1.xml URI

Behavioral changes:

  • New internal addressbook implementation backing the NSPI-provided and Zcore-provided AB functionality.

Packaging changes:

  • dscli, dnsbl_filter: DNS resolution via LDNS/libldns (desirable for linux-musl and BSDs) was replaced by c-ares/libcares.

Gromox 2.41

07 Feb 10:39
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  • ldap_adaptor: plug two memory leaks
  • exmdb: plug a memory leak related to subscription destruction
  • oxcical: do process TRIGGER duration value type for reminders
  • midb: resolve flakey update of flagged/replied/forwarded status
  • midb: when a MAPI message has changed and requires a new IMAPUID, convey the expunge of the old IMAPUID much sooner to IMAP clients
  • pop3: resolve a NULL deref/crash during RETR command
  • imap: restore SEARCH command looking at right portion of a QP-encoded message


  • ews: send flag status to clients
  • imap: include username for IMAP actions when imap_cmd_debug logging is activated
  • midb, imap: print asynchronous notification events when imap_cmd_debug>=2
  • oxcical: invalid iCal timezone inputs are now logged when _log_level=6 (debug)

Behavioral changes:

  • mkprivate: new message stores now have frightsVisible set on the calendar folder, because grommunio-web is picky about the existence of the calendar folder even if obtaining just freebusy blocks.

Gromox 2.40

28 Jan 15:32
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  • zcore: avoid unwrapping Content-Transfer-Encoding twice for clearsigned S/MIME
  • ews: calculate timezone offsets for local time only
  • ews: deserialize no-content XML tags as empty strings rather than as absence of the element


  • imap, pop3: multi-server capability, replacing direct disk I/O by network RPCs to the exmdb storage backend

Gromox 2.39

21 Jan 22:11
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  • midb: resolve protocol mismatches with imap, pop3; resolves rejection of IMAP CREATE, POP3 PASS commands
  • midb: synchronize "Answered", "Forwarded" and "Flagged" flags between MAPI and midb
  • midb: pass message flag modification notifications (answered/forwarded/flagged/read/etc.) to imapd
  • midb: stop producing the TRYCREATE response for every command
    (e.g. message deletion will not succeed even if a non-existing folder is created, because the message will obviously not be in an empty folder)


  • When using import tools, no longer overwrite PR_LAST_MODIFICATION_TIME with the current time; retain the original timestamp if one exists.
  • mbop: new foreach.* command group which replaces for-all-users

Behavioral changes:

  • The default value for the outgoing_smtp_url config directive changed to sendmail:// (using postdrop rather than direct SMTP contact).

Gromox 2.38

07 Dec 11:31
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  • oxcical: ignore zero-length PidLidTimeZoneStruct on export rather than failing the operation
  • freebusy: process events with recurrence patterns > 510 bytes
  • mbop-get-freeubsy: respect the absence of start_time,end_time (-a/-b) parameters
  • mapi_lib: support TNEF export of messages without PR_INTERNET_CPID
  • email_lib: no longer reject import of time-based recurrent series (RRULE line with UNTIL specifier) with a single occurrence


  • midb: deal with folder changes that occurr during times when midb is not running
  • exm2eml: add TNEF file export support

Behavioral changes:

  • imap: reject creating extant folder
  • midb: change M-COPY from a read-write cycle to server-side copy, thereby preserving mail headers from now on
  • midb/imapd: folder names are now treated case-sensitive, just like MAPI did it already

Gromox 2.37

20 Nov 11:04
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  • exmdb: fix garbage being returned to clients when reading v1z files from cid/
  • exmdb: stop an SQL error from appearing when gromox-mbop recalc-sizes is used on an empty store
  • oxcical: evaluate all, instead of just two, STANDARD/DAYLIGHT tzprops for determining the relevant DST timezone
  • ews: fix time elements, e.g. in OOF settings, always having value 1970-01-01
  • email_lib: on vCard ingestion, treat ORG lines as the structured field that they are specified as, rather than as one text value
  • exmdb_local: autovivify new named properties on delivery, fixing log message D-1220: cu_set_properties called with PR_NULL when ingesting a vCard message into an empty store via SMTP/LMTP
  • dbop_sqlite: avoid use of the UNIXEPOCH function since it is not available in AlmaLinux 9
  • lib: add missing chown call on newly-created logfiles to account for subsequent privilege separation


  • dscli: evaluate not just one AutoDiscover URL but multiple as the specifation asks for
  • mbop: stop printing the help text multiple times when the "for-all-users" subcommand was used but options were rejected
  • gromox-mbsize: new debug utility for mailbox size analysis
  • gromox-tnef2mt: add support for importing standalone TNEF files


  • stderr being a tty previously overruled daemons' log_file directive such as http.cfg:http_log_file=/somewhere.log. This has now changed and http_log_file has precedence over any tty-ness of stderr.

Gromox 2.36

06 Nov 16:02
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  • ews: fix an ABA locking problem when EWS unsubscribe actions were processed
  • genimport: fix a data juggling issue that led to mt2exm printing proptag … from input stream has no named property info
  • mbck: do not attempt to repair allocated_eids if repair mode was not selected, fixing mbck printing sqlite3_prep(INSERT INTO allocated_eids) … inside a readonly TXN.
  • exmdb: fix an issue where creating new messages-embedded-in-messages could lead to sqlite3_exec(… INSERT INTO messages … VALUES (65536, …): UNIQUE constraint failed: messages.message_id (19), for msgids very close to the end of the block
  • mkprivate et al: fix an issue where force-overwriting databases would print database is locked
  • oxcmail: during conversion from RFC5322 to MAPI form, avoid generating a zero-length attachment for a zero-length mail


  • mbop: new commands "ping", "for-all-users", "echo-username"
  • exmdb: faster process shutdown through parallelized closing of sqlite files
  • exmdb: better location diagnostics for RO-RO transactions, for RW-in-RO, and ROLLBACK issues


  • exmdb: the default value for exmdb_provider.cfg:cache_interval (time until inactive sqlite files are closed) was reduced from 2h to 15min to curb system resource use
  • exmdb: the default value for exmdb_provider.cfg:populating_threads_num (asynchronous search folder population threads) from 50 to 4 to curb system resource use
  • exmdb: deactivate implicit integrity check when upgrading a mailbox's database schema, it takes too much time
  • (Integrity checks can still be done offline with mkprivate -U --integ)

Gromox 2.35

15 Oct 12:12
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  • alias_resolve: resolve nullptr deref crash
  • ews: resolve nullptr deref crash
  • mapi_lib: fix out-of-bounds access in PROBLEM_ARRAY::transform
  • mapi_lib: rop_util_get_gc_value used the wrong mask, which caused "Change commit failed because the object was changed separately"


  • exmdb: let PR_ACCESS include permissions from all group memberships

Gromox 2.34

08 Oct 17:55
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  • php_mapi: cure crash occurring with mapi_getidsfromnames
  • midb: resolve "inside a readonly TXN" warnings during message deletion
  • exmdb: emit notifications only after SQL transactions are complete
  • imap: resolve unstable EXPUNGE observability


  • exm2eml: do output named property map when -p is used
  • exm2eml: show named property mnemonics when -p is used twice
  • php_mapi: allow calling namedprop resolution functions with not just store objects, but also folder/message/attachment objects