This project is no longer maintained.
If you only need to handle PO files you might want to check out PoParser
If you only need the raw PO data parsed to a ruby hash check out PoParser's core simple_po_parser
A simple and extendable .mo and .po file parser/generator.
Advanteges over original mo / po-parser:
- simple architecture + easy to extend/modify
- emtpy msgstr translations are read
- comments are included
- obsolete translations are included if enabled
- fuzzy can be set/unset
- references of non unique translations can be merged
- multiple translations can be combined in a new po file(with comments and fuzzy and ...)
- po files can be written from any kind of input
- easy mo-file handling/merging
- po/mo file handling is identical, if you know one, you know both
sudo gem install get_pomo
#parse po files, first with obsolete messages second without
translations = GetPomo::PoFile.parse('xxx.po'), :parse_obsoletes => true) + GetPomo::PoFile.parse('yyy.po'))
#and use the data...
msgids = translations.reject{|t|t.plural? or t.fuzzy? or t.obsolete?}.map(&:msgid)
#or write a new po file (unique by msgid, with merged references for non uniques)...'xxx.po','w){|f|f.print(GetPomo::PoFile.to_text(translations, :merge => true))}
p =
behaves identical.
- extracting of version/pluralisation_rule/plurals/translator... (from msgid "")
- the vendor/mofile is really complex, maybe it can be refactored (also some parts are not needed)
Michael Grosser
License: MIT