Grouch api gateway is the api gateway for Grouch Trash Service.
The api for grouch trash service is defined using open api
and runs on aws API Gateway.
For full documentation on the api please see the swagger-ui page.
The project is build using maven and uses npm and sam.
The following command can be used to build.
./mvnw package
The api can be started locally with sam by running the following command.
sam build -t template-local.yaml && sam local start-api
to run swagger-ui locally run the following command
docker run -p 8080:8080 -e SWAGGER_JSON=/schema/api.yaml -v `pwd`/src/main/resources:/schema swaggerapi/swagger-ui
This project uses cucumber to automate testing and describe behavior. To run the tests locally first start the api. Then run the following command.
./mvnw -P cucumber verify
To run the same tests against the production api.
./mvnw -P cucumber verify${API_KEY}
packages that contains generated client code will be deployed to github as part of the build pipeline. To deploy these packages locally first set the following env variables.
Then run the following command.
./mvnw -s settings.xml deploy
The code will automatically be built and deployed with a github action.
to deploy the application first use the aws configure
comand to setup credentials for aws, then run
sam deploy
To deploy swagger-ui to the aws s3 run the following.
aws s3 cp src/main/resources/api.yaml s3://grouch-message-service-swagger
aws s3 sync node_modules/swagger-ui-dist s3://grouch-message-service-swagger-ui