A super simple regex based view engine used in Nancy and (soon to be) TinyTemplates.
Models can either be standard types, or ExpandoObjects (or any other object implementing IDynamicMetaObjectProvider that implements IDictionary<string, object> to access its properties).
All commands have an optional semi-colon delimiter which can be used to remove ambiguity. Any [.Parameters] parameter can be multiple levels deep (e.g. This.Property.That.Property).
Syntax: @Model[.Parameters] Example: Hello @Model.Name Example: Hello @Model.User.Age
Replaces with the string representation of the parameter, or the model itself if a parameter is not specified.
Syntax: @Each[.Parameters] [@Current[.Parameters]] @EndEach Example: @Each.Users Hello @Current! @EndEach
Creates one copy of the contents of the @Each per element in the collection and substitutes @Current in the same way as @Model, but bound to the current item in the collection.
@Current can be used multiple times inside the @Each block.
Syntax: @If[Not].Parameters [contents] @EndIf Example: @If.HasUsers Users found! @EndIf Example: @IfNot.HasUsers No users found! @EndIf
Parameters must be a boolean (see Implicit Conditionals below). Nesting of @If and @IfNot statements is not supported.
If the model has property that implements ICollection then you can use an implicit conditional. The implicit conditional syntax is the same as a normal conditional, but the Parameters part is set to "Has[CollectionPropertyName]". The conditional will be true if the collection contains items, and false if it does not or if it is null.
Example: @If.HasUsers Users found! @EndIf
The above example will expand to "Users found!" if the model has a collection called "Users" and it contains items.
Both the @Model and @Current keywords (with or without parameters) can have an optional ! after the @ to HTML encode the output.
Example: @!Model.Test
Would HTML encode the output.
Syntax: @Partial[''[, Model.Property]]
Example: @Partial['subview.sshtml']; (Renders the partial view with the same model as the parent)
Example: @Partial['subview.sshtml', Model.User]; (Renders the partial view using the User as the model)
Renders a partial view. A property of the current model can be specified to be used as the partial view's model, or it may be omitted to use the current view's model instead.