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Releases: gs1/gs1-syntax-engine


31 Jan 03:55
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  • Update to Syntax Dictionary release 2025-01-30
  • JS: The browser example app was amended to replace all instances of "{GS}", not just the first.
  • Core: The scandata processor was amended to not strip terminal GS characters.
  • Core: The GS1 DL URI processor was fixed to not truncate AI values derived from URI components that contain percent-encoded null characters.
  • Core: The Syntax Dictionary parser was amended to be tollerant of DOS-style line endings.
  • Core: A new error message translations framework was adopted. No user-visible changes for a regular build.


11 Jun 01:03
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  • Update to Syntax Dictionary release 2024-06-10.
  • New SemVar versioning scheme, required to maintain parity with el al.
  • Core: Permit GS1 DL URIs with an uppercase scheme.
  • Core: Support added for new "?" flag in Syntax Dictionary to denote AIs permitted as GS1 DL URI data attributes.
  • Core: New validation toggle to permit unknown AIs to be GS1 DL URI data attributes, to support close application and to enable gracefully degradation if Syntax Dictionary is out of date.
  • Core: Name shared library to have .dylib extension on MacOS.
  • Core: Build process updated to ease use of cross-compilers, such as MinGW for building Windows DLLs within MSVC.
  • Core: Expose typedefs for symbologies and validations enums.
  • Wrappers: Update API to use symbologies typedef instead of plain int.
  • Java: Build process for example app amended to treat warnings as errors.
  • Java: The use of a deprecated API call by the example app was fixed.
  • Java: The JNI library now staticly links the Syntax Engine in order to ease distribution.
  • Java: Add support for MacOS.
  • JS: Support for publishing assets to npmjs.
  • JS: Build process updated to support recent Emscripten version that do not generate a .mem file with "jsonly" builds.
  • JS: Getters of boolean parameters now return true/false rather than 1/0.
  • Android: Freshen dependencies and use a recent cmake.


11 Dec 11:33
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  • Core: New DIGSIG_SERIAL_KEY validation function to ensure that keys include a serial component when used with AI (8030).
  • Core: Support for new Syntax Dictionary AI group syntax (e.g. "01+21") for req attributes where each listed AI must be present to be a satisfactory the constraint.
  • Core: Ensure that valid key-qualifier AIs appear in path info, where possible, rather than in query parameters.
  • Java: Build process amended to treat warnings as errors.
  • Where possible, use compiler and language features to mark depreceated functions as such in C library and bindings.
  • Update to Syntax Dictionary release 2023-12-11.


20 Nov 03:02
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  • Core: New "validation function table" feature was added with corresponding
    {get,set}ValidationEnabled API options. Allows global validation checks (e.g.
    AI mandatory associations) to be differentiated and enabled/disabled by the
    library user.
  • Wrappers: Add support for new {get,set}ValidationEnabled API functions.
  • Core: {get,set}ValidateAIassociations API functions are now deprecated since
    the new validation function table functionality subsumes the legacy
  • Core: Deprecated setValidateAIassociations no longer disables
    mutually-exclusive AI validation. (Mutually-exclusive AI validation is now
  • Wrappers: Replace deprecated {get,set}ValidateAIassociations API functions
    with new {get,set}ValidationEnabled.
  • MSVC: Build process amended to treat warnings as errors.
  • C: Applied maximal const declarations throughout library.


05 Jul 09:10
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  • Update to Syntax Dictionary release 2023-07-04.
  • C: Expose "permit zero-suppressed GTIN in GS1 DL URIs" option in console example.
  • C# .NET: Expose "permit zero-suppressed GTIN in GS1 DL URIs" option in the
    desktop app.
  • JS: Expose "permit zero-suppressed GTIN in GS1 DL URIs" option in the Node.js
  • JS: Expose "permit zero-suppressed GTIN in GS1 DL URIs" option in the browser
  • Core: Don't report empty AI elements as "too long" in GS1 DL URIs.
  • Core: In a GS1 Digital Link URI, a "+" character should only be interpretted
    as space in a query parameter, not a path component, per rules for
    interpretation of URIs and CGI.
  • Core: In GS1 Digital Link URIs, represent "+" characters in AI expressed in
    path info as "%2B", per GS1 preference.
  • Core: Add support for GenSpecs CSET 64 required by Digital Signatures.
  • Core: New permitZeroSuppressedGTINinDLuris API option (default false) since
    GTIN-{8,12,13} use is now deprecated by the GS1 Digital Link standard.
  • Wrappers: Support for new permitZeroSuppressedGTINinDLuris API option.


22 Mar 12:32
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  • Update to Syntax Dictionary release 2023-03-22.
  • JS: Minor tweaks to the HTML application.


21 Jan 21:38
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  • JS: New "jsonly" asset which is compiled to pure JavaScript without the need
    for WASM.
  • Core: copyHRI and copyDLignoredQueryParams API function are now deprecated.
  • JS: Update wrapper to use getHRI and getDLignoredQueryParams instead of
    deprecated functions.


11 Dec 22:09
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  • Android: App was enhanced to use ML kit to read barcodes from a device's
  • iOS: App was enhanced to use ML kit to read barcodes from a device's camera.
  • JS: Node.js app amended so that HRI shows when input is not AI data.


24 Nov 15:23
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  • Update to Syntax Dictionary release 2022-11-24.


24 Nov 11:42
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  • Android: New app programmed in Kotlin.
  • iOS: New app programmed in Swift.
  • Java: Console app enhanced to have parity with other console demos.
  • JS: Node.js application change to use native readline/promises module.