This repository demonstrates how to build/deploy/use/test an initial version of a decentralized social media program (smart contract) and its front end code on the Solana blockchain.
Summary of work done:
- Solana tools installed from scratch on Ubuntu 20.04, devnet configured, account created (all are documented in section 2. Setup below)
- decent_social Solana program (smart contract)
- front_end demo app. (client, utility and functions)
- Integration tests (this passes on local but fails in CI since we need to also setup/configure Solana env. on Ubuntu CI)
- Unit tests
- CI (Continuous Integration) tests (using github actions)
cargo clippy
This repo consists of two independent projects, for convinience they are placed together.
directory has Solana program (smart contract).
directory has the client side app.
Hint: For first time users, see section 2. Setup below.
cd program
cargo build-bpf
solana program deploy target/deploy/
cd front_end
cargo r user10
>> Connected to remote solana node running version (1.16.15).
>> Create account for program to read/write its data...
... creating program derived account
--- result : ()
>> Info
User : H9dYcCxtUyTSancZSxYmqQwzDL3F5e5tR9KkQWwndjAr
Balance: 3.8330816 Sol (3_833_081_600 lamports)
Program: J9xLr2gjyFMpczfWzshmZVZewm1wYES2GNHHznr3Xt8T
PDA : 3NqMxjwgK2t3VUr39FLccEWkU573d4jz3EQCMZKBQjun
(aka Program's data account to read/write)
(aka Derived addr for a given user and program combination)
PDA seed: user10
>> Creating new user profile onchain...
--- result : Ok(())
>> Reading chain data...
Program Object for account seed 'user10':
UserProfile {
user_id: 3NqMxjwgK2t3VUr39FLccEWkU573d4jz3EQCMZKBQjun,
followers: 100,
blocked_account: false,
~/decent_social/program$ cargo t
running 2 tests
test instruction::user_profile_unit_tests::create_new_profile_with_default_values ... ok
test instruction::user_profile_unit_tests::init_new_profile_ ... ok
test result: ok. 2 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 0.00s
~/decent_social/front_end$ cargo t
running 1 test
test integration_tests::user_profile_tests::test_new_user_profile_with_dummy_values ... ok
test result: ok. 1 passed; 0 failed; 0 ignored; 0 measured; 0 filtered out; finished in 1.39s
solana-cli 1.17.1
20.04.1-Ubuntu LTS
sh -c "$(curl -sSfL"
mkdir ~/my-solana-wallet
solana-keygen new --outfile ~/my-solana-wallet/my-keypair.json
Set Devnet config
solana config get
solana config set --url
Make sure config has your account
Change keypair_path
value with your keypair path:
vim ~/.config/solana/cli/config.yml
keypair_path: /home/<user>/my-solana-wallet/my-keypair.json
solana balance
3.834235 SOL
solana address
solana airdrop 2
or (select Devnet)