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Client-side library for any .NET application nuget build
Server-side library for ASP.NET Core web applications nuget build

This set of two libraries enables authenticated machine-to-machine HTTP communication between a .NET application and an ASP.NET Core web application. HTTP requests are authenticated with JSON web tokens (JWT) issued by an OAuth 2.0 authorization server using the client credentials grant flow.

                 ┌─────────►│ OAuth 2.0 authorization server │◄──────────┐
                 │          └────────────────────────────────┘           │
                 │                                                       │
                 │ get token with                       get signing keys │
                 │ client credentials grant flow                         │ validate
                 │                                                       │    token
               ┌─┴───────────┐                           ┌───────────────┴────────┐
               │ Client .NET ├──────────────────────────►│ Protected ASP.NET Core │
               │ application │  authenticated HTTP call  │         service        │
               └─────────────┘                           └────────────────────────┘

The client-side library includes:

The server-side library includes:

  • JWT authentication using the Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.JwtBearer library.
  • Authorization attribute and policy to easily enforce granular scopes on your endpoints.
  • Authorization attribute and policy to easily enforce classic Workleap permissions (read, write, admin).
  • Support of OpenAPI security definition and security requirement generation when using Swashbuckle.
  • Non-intrusive: default policies must be explicitly used, and the default authentication scheme can be modified.
  • Support for ASP.NET Core 6.0 and later.

Requirements and Considerations:

  • Your OAuth 2.0 authorization server must expose its metadata at the URL <AUTHORITY>/.well-known/openid-configuration, as described in RFC 8414.
  • The client-side application uses data protection. It is important to note that your data protection configuration should support distributed workloads if you have multiple instances of a client application. Microsoft recommends using a combination of Azure Key Vault and Azure Storage to ensure that data encrypted by an instance of a client application can be read by another instance.

Getting started

Client-side library

Install the package Workleap.Extensions.Http.Authentication.ClientCredentialsGrant in your client-side application that needs to communicate with the protected ASP.NET Core server. Then, use one of the following methods to configure an authenticated HttpClient:

// Method 1: directly set the options values with C# code
services.AddHttpClient("MyClient").AddClientCredentialsHandler(options =>
    options.Authority = "<oauth2_authorization_server_base_url>";
    options.ClientId = "<oauth2_client_id>";
    options.ClientSecret = "<oauth2_client_secret>"; // use a secret store instead of hardcoding the value
    options.Scope = "<optional_requested_scope>"; // use "Scopes" for multiple values

// Method 2: bind the options to a configuration section

// Method 3: Lazily bind the options to a configuration section

// appsettings.json:
  "MyConfigSection": {
    "Authority": "<oauth2_authorization_server_base_url>",
    "ClientId": "<oauth2_client_id>",
    "ClientSecret": "<oauth2_client_secret>", // use a secret configuration provider instead of hardcoding the value
    "Scope": "<optional_requested_scope>", // use "Scopes" for multiple values,
    "EnforceHttps": "<boolean>", // use EnforceHttps to force all authenticated to be sent via https

// You can also use the generic HttpClient registration with any of these methods:
services.AddHttpClient<MyClient>().AddClientCredentialsHandler( /* [...] */);

Note on EnforceHttps. It is possible to allow http authenticated requests, however, this should be limited to exceptional scenarios. It is strongly advised that you always use https for authenticated requests transmitted as the token sent will be in clear.

Then, instantiate the HttpClient later on using IHttpClientFactory or directly inject it in the constructor if you used the generic registration:

public class MyClient
    private readonly HttpClient _httpClient;

    public MyClient(IHttpClientFactory httpClientFactory)
        this._httpClient = httpClientFactory.CreateClient("MyClient");

    public async Task DoSomeAuthenticatedHttpCallAsync()
        await this._httpClient.GetStringAsync("https://myservice");

Starting from version 1.3.0, tokens are pre-fetched and cached at app startup. Subsequently, there is a periodic refresh of the token before its expiration and cache eviction. This behavior can be disabled by setting ClientCredentialsOptions.EnablePeriodicTokenBackgroundRefresh to false.

This client-side library is based on Duende.AccessTokenManagement, Copyright (c) Brock Allen & Dominick Baier, licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.

Server-side library

The server-side library add the RequireClientCredentials attribute that simplify the use of the client credentials flow in your ASP.NET Core application:

  • Simply specify the required permissions in the attribute (e.g: [RequireClientCredentials("read")]
  • Support multiple claims types (e.g: scope, scp,
  • Support multiple claims format (e.g: read, {Audience}:read)

Install the package Workleap.AspNetCore.Authentication.ClientCredentialsGrant in your server-side ASP.NET Core application and register the authentication services:

// Registers Microsoft's JwtBearer handler with a default "ClientCredentials" authentication scheme.
// This authentication scheme can be changed using other methods overloads.

This will automatically bind the configuration section Authentication:Schemes:ClientCredentials (unless you've changed the authentication scheme). For instance, the example above works well with this appsettings.json:

  "Authentication": {
    "Schemes": {
      "ClientCredentials": {
        "Authority": "<oauth2_authorization_server_base_url>",
        "Audience": "<audience>",
        "MetadataAddress": "<oauth2_authorization_server_metadata_address>"

Next, protect your endpoints with the RequireClientCredentials attribute:

// When using Controlled-Based
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWeather()

// When using Minimal APIs
app.MapGet("/weather", () => {...}).RequireClientCredentials("read");

Next, register the authorization services which all the required authorization policies:


Finally, register the authentication and authorization middlewares in your ASP.NET Core app.

var app = builder.Build();
// [...]


// [...] Map your endpoints

OpenAPI integration

If you are using Swashbuckle to document your API, the [RequireClientCredentials] attribute will automatically populate the security definitions and requirements in the OpenAPI specification. For minimal APIs, there is a corresponding RequireClientCredentials() method.

For example:

// Controlled-based approach
public async Task<IActionResult> GetWeather()
{ /* ... */ }

// Minimal APIs
app.MapGet("/weather", () => { /* ... */ }).RequireClientCredentials("read");

Will generate this:

      summary: 'Required scope: read.'
          description: OK
          description: Unauthorized
          description: Forbidden
        - clientcredentials:
            - target-entity:b108bbc9-538e-403b-9faf-e5cd874eb17f:read # Based on the provided JwtBearerOptions.Audience
      type: oauth2
          tokenUrl: https://localhost:9020/oauth2/token # Based on provided ClientCredentials.Authority
            target-entity:b108bbc9-538e-403b-9faf-e5cd874eb17f: Request all permissions for specified client ID
            target-entity:b108bbc9-538e-403b-9faf-e5cd874eb17f:read: Request permission 'read' for specified client ID

Building, releasing and versioning

The project can be built by running Build.ps1. It uses Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.PublicApiAnalyzers to help detect public API breaking changes. Use the built-in roslyn analyzer to ensure that public APIs are declared in PublicAPI.Shipped.txt, and obsolete public APIs in PublicAPI.Unshipped.txt.

A new preview NuGet package is automatically published on any new commit on the main branch. This means that by completing a pull request, you automatically get a new NuGet package.

When you are ready to officially release a stable NuGet package by following the SemVer guidelines, simply manually create a tag with the format x.y.z. This will automatically create and publish a NuGet package for this version.


Copyright © 2023, Workleap. This code is licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0. You may obtain a copy of this license at