This is a site generator project for Apache Camel. It generates static HTML and resources that are to be published.
Tools used to generate the website:
- Git a source code management tool used to fetch document sources from different github repositories.
- Node.js a JavaScript runtime used to build the website. You will need to use Node.js version 10.
- yarn a blazing fast dependency and package manager tool used to download and manage required libraries.
- (installed via yarn) Gulp a task automation tool. Used to build the Camel Antora UI theme.
- (installed via yarn) Hugo a static site generator. Simplified, it takes the
documentation from the
directory and applies templates fromlayouts
directory and together with any resources instatic
directory generates output in thepublic
directory. - (installed via yarn) Antora a documentation site generator. It uses Asciidoc documents from different sources in the Camel, Camel K and Camel Quarkus repositories where user manual and component reference documentation resides and renders them for inclusion in this website.
- (optional) Maven a build tool used to run the complete website generating process
You can build the website locally using the tools Node.js
and yarn
If you can not use these tools on your local machine for some reason you can also build the website using Maven as described in section "Build with Maven".
For windows users, a beginning step to install yarn and nvm on your local system is through installing chocolatey.
An easy step to step guide to install chocolatey on your local system is as follows:
Open cmd/powershell and run it as administrator.
Install with cmd.exe
> @"%SystemRoot%\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" -NoProfile -InputFormat None -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command " [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))" && SET "PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin"
Install with PowerShell.exe
> Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
Make sure that you have Node.js (herein "Node
") installed.
$ node --version
If this command fails with an error, you do not have Node installed.
This project requires the Node LTS version 10 (e.g., v10.15.3).
Please make sure to have a suitable version of Node installed. You have several options to install Node on your machine.
- Install using the Node version manager nvm
- Install using Homebrew and Node formulae
- Install from official Node packages
An easy step to step guide to install nvm and install node v10.0.0 on your local system is as follows:
$ touch ~/.bash_profile
$ curl -o- | bash
$ source ~/.nvm/
$ nvm install 10.0.0
Note - If you have different Node version other than Node LTS version 10 you can use following command to make Node LTS version 10 as default Node version.
$ nvm use 10.0.0
Note - The following steps need to be ran on cmd as administrator only.
An easy step to step guide to install nvm and install node v10.0.0 on your local system is as follows:
> choco install nvm
> nvm install 10.0.0
Note - If you have different Node version other than Node LTS version 10 you can use following command to make Node LTS version 10 as default Node version.
> nvm use 10.0.0
Now that you have Node 10 installed, you can proceed with checking the Yarn installation.
Follow the documentation on installing Yarn for your Operating system.
Note: For windows users, run on cmd as administrator and install yarn through chocolatey.
Clone the Apache Camel Website project using git:
$ git clone
The command above clones the Apache Camel Website project. After that you can switch to the new project directory on your filesystem.
First step is to build the Antora ui theme used for the Apache Camel website. The theme sources are located inside Project root directory/antora-ui-camel. So first switch to that directory:
$ cd antora-ui-camel
In that directory execute:
$ yarn install # needed only once, or if dependencies change
$ yarn build # to perform the ui theme build
You should see the Antora theme bundle generated in in antora-ui-camel/build/
The Camel Antora UI theme should not be a subject to change very frequently. So you might execute this once and never come back.
Building the website requires the built Antora Camel UI theme bundle from above. Please check that the theme bundle exists in antora-ui-camel/build/
To build the website go to the project root directory and run:
$ yarn install # needed only once, or if dependencies change
$ yarn format # to format the code
$ yarn build # to perform the build
In case yarn build
raises error, run yarn format
to format the code and re-run yarn build
to build your bundle successfully.
In case yarn build
throws the error: JavaScript heap out of memory, the issue can be resolved by increasing the memory used by node.js by setting NODE_OPTIONS
environment variable to include --max_old_space_size
, for example to increase the old space to 4GB do:
$ export NODE_OPTIONS="--max_old_space_size=4096"
This should fetch doc sources for Camel and Camel K
and generate the website with Hugo. You should see the generated website in the public
You can preview the Apache Camel website on your local machine once you have the generated website available in
the public
Hugo can start a simple web server serving the generated site content so you can view it in your favorite browser.
Simply call
$ yarn preview
and you will be provided with a web server running the site on http://localhost:1313/
Point your favorite browser to http://localhost:1313/
and you will see the Apache Camel website.
Changes that are made to the content managed by Hugo (i.e. content, layouts, config.toml) are applied automatically and reloaded in the browser. To make changes to the content managed by Antora, a rebuild needs to be done. The same is true for the CSS changes in the antora-ui-camel
. To rebuild you can run, in another terminal window, from the root directory of the website:
$ (cd antora-ui-camel && yarn build) && yarn antora --clean --fetch antora-playbook.yml
This will build the antora-ui-camel
which holds all the CSS and JavaScript, and then rebuild the documentation, resulting in an updated content in the documentation
To iterate quickly, it's easier to make changes directly in the browser tooling and then bring the changes over to the CSS files after the fact.
Setting the CAMEL_ENV
changes the output of the website build slightly, possible values are development
(set by default if CAMEL_ENV
is unset), production
or netlify
To run the optimizations, which currently consist of running htmlmin to reduce the size of generated HTML documents, set the CAMEL_ENV
environment variable to production
, for example:
$ CAMEL_ENV=production yarn build
When build is performed on Netlify, we set it to netlify
to add the link to Netlify required by Netlify's open source policy.
The Apache Camel website is composed of different sources. So where to add and contribute changes in particular?
The site main menu is defined in the top level configuration config.toml. You can add/change menu items there.
The basic website content is located in content. You can find several different directorys representing different areas of the website:
- docs: Getting started, user manual, component reference
- download: Download Camel artifacts
- blog: Blog posts
- community: Support, contributing, articles, etc.
- projects: Subproject information (e.g. Camel K)
- security: Security information and advisories
- releases: Release notes
Use the blog
archetype to create a new markdown content file in content/blog
$ yarn hugo new --kind blog blog/YYYY/MM/PostName/ # replace YYYY with the year, MM with the month and PostName with the actual name
Put a nice featured image in content/blog/YYYY/MM/PostName/featured.png
and edit content/blog/YYYY/MM/PostName/
filling in the details.
The final generated URL would be something like
Don't forget to remove draft: true
to publish the blog post.
Use the security-advisory
archetype to create a new markdown content file in content/security
$ yarn run hugo new --kind security-advisory security/CVE-YYYY-NNNNN # replace YYYY-NNNNN with the CVE number
This will create a content/security/
file which you need to edit to and fill in the required parameters.
The content of the created markdown file is added to the Notes section.
Place the signed PGP advisory in plain text as content/security/CVE-YYYY-NNNNN.txt.asc
Make sure that you set the draft: false
property to have the page published.
Use the release-note
archetype to create a new markdown content file in content/releases
$ yarn run hugo new --kind release-note releases/release-x.y.z # replace x.y.z with the release version
This will create a content/
file which you need to edit to and fill in the required parameters.
The content of the created markdown file is added to the New and Noteworth section.
Make sure that you set the draft: false
property to have the page published.
Layout related changes go into layout directory where you will find HTML templates that define the common layout of the different page categories including footer and header templates.
The Antora UI theme basically defines the look and feel of the website. You can find the theme sources within this repository in antora-ui-camel.
You need to rebuild the Antora UI theme in order to see your changes reflected locally.
The Apache Camel website includes documentation sources from other github repositories. Content sources are defined in site.yml.
At the moment these are the documentation sources from Camel and Camel K. These are basically the component reference docs and the Camel user manual. In case you want to change something here, please go to the respective github repository and contribute your change there.
Your changes in these repositories will automatically get visible on the website after a site rebuild.
The project provides a simple way to build the website sources locally using the build tool Maven.
The Maven build automatically downloads the tool binaries such as node
and yarn
for you. You do not need to install
those tools on your host then. The binaries are added to the local project sources only and generate the website content.
As the Maven build uses pinned versions of node
and yarn
that are tested to build the website you most likely avoid
build errors due to incompatible versions of Node.js
tooling installed on your machine.
Make sure that you have Maven installed.
$ mvn --version
If this command fails with an error, you do not have Maven installed.
Please install Maven using your favorite package manager (like Homebrew) or from official Maven binaries
When building everything from scratch the build executes following steps:
- Download
binaries to the local project - Load required libraries to the local project using
- Build the Antora Camel UI theme (antora-ui-camel)
- Fetch the doc sources from Camel and Camel K github reporsitories
- Build the website content using Hugo
You can do all of this with one single command:
$ mvn package
The whole process takes up to five minutes (time to grab some coffee!)
When the build is finished you should see the generated website in the public
When rebuilding the website you can optimize the build process as some of the steps are only required for a fresh build from scratch. You can skip the ui theme rendering (unless you have changes in the theme itself).
$ mvn package -Dskip.theme
This should save you some minutes in the build process. You can find the updated website content in the public
When rebuilding the website the process uses some cached content (e.g. the fetched doc sources for
Camel and Camel K or the Antora ui theme).
If you want to start from scratch for some reason you can simply add the clean
operation to the build which removes
all generated sources in the project first.
$ mvn clean package
Of course this then takes some more time than an optimized rebuild (time to grab another coffee!).
This website is hosted by Apache Software foundation. Pull request previews and checks are powered by Netlify.