Generates a UML-ish class diagram (in Graphviz dot format) from Scala sources.
The idea is to help auto-document a class model. At the moment Scaldy generates boxes for classes and traits, and shows inheritance and composition relationships with arrows. Some details:
- Traits are stereotyped with «Trait»
- Non-concrete boxes are labeled in italics
- Also concrete boxes have stronger colours
- Composition is based on class members
- At the moment only vars marked with @BeanProperty are processed
- The boxes are grouped and coloured by file
- At the moment Scaldy assumes that the first line in each file is a non-curly-braced package declaration and skips it because the parser has errors with that, so if your code is not shaped like this it won't work
There are sample model - diagram pairs below src/test/sample.
For example, if you are in sbt and run
> run C:\dev\scaldy\src\test\sample\posts
it will parse the .scala files in that path and generate a file, then you can run
C:\dev\scaldy>dot -Tsvg -o ./src/test/sample/posts/diagram.svg
to generate
The result is a bit disconnected because there are no @BeanProperty annotations in this model. This is roughly the same class structure where some defs have been replaced by @BeanProperty var. This sample is under /sample/beanposts/ and generates
Note: using .png for the embedded images instead of .svg because of this issue