I developed this program from scratch by applying Systematic Software Construction in Java after completing a course in Software Construction: Object-Oriented Design at UBC.
A tiny application that manages items in a grocery with information including ID, name, quantity, position, price in the supermarket.
Users can interact with the app by adding and deleting an item, showing and sorting items, and editing all item's properties
- Add, delete an item
- Show and sort items by quantity
- Modify properties of a selected item
- Save and load items' data when the application starts and exits
Implemented methods are:
- Approaching by using top-down systematic design and implementing a hierarchy, data abstractions, interfaces, testing, and GUI Swing.
The main user interface with "Load" data when starting and "Save" data when exiting the program
Clicking "Add Item", a Pop-up window shows up to add an item
To run the program, run grocery-management-app/src/main/ui/MainGUI.java