Config - Config management for multiple environments, production is base environment and other environments can override or add to production's config values
Db - Create custom MySQL connections via MysqliFactory and PdoFactory by passing your config reference or get a default connection via Service::pdo()
or Service::mysqli()
Memcache - Interact with Memcache a store
TaggedMemcache - Get and Set with tag sets; Invalidate caches by invalidating tags
Queue - Queue implementation (currently only a Redis backend implementation)
Registry - A global, labelled, singleton object store
Service - Instantiates singleton services into the registry on demand; Simple clean interface for accessing from anywhere
Export - Export data (log, csv) to files via Redis queues (Diferent exports are defined in the exporters array)
Logger - Wraps Export to format log messages and send to the right exporter
Text - Useful text functions
Time - Useful Time constants and functions
use BFF\Service;
$user = [
'name' => 'Joe Bloggs',
'email' => ''
$cache = Service::cache();
$cache->set('user-joebloggs', $user, Time::ONE_HOUR);
use BFF\Registry;
use BFF\Service as BffService;
namespace App;
class Service extends BffService {
const MYSERVICEA = 'myservicea';
const MYSERVICEB = 'myserviceb';
public function myservicea() : MyServiceA
if (!Registry::isset(Service::MYSERVICEA)) {
$obj = new MyServiceA();
Registry::set(Service::MYSERVICEA, $obj);
return $obj;
} else {
return Registry::get(static::MYSERVICEA);
public function myserviceb() : MyServiceB
if (!Registry::isset(Service::MYSERVICEB)) {
$obj = new MyServiceB();
Registry::set(Service::MYSERVICEB, $obj);
return $obj;
} else {
return Registry::get(static::MYSERVICEB);
namespace App;
$myservicea = Service::myservicea();