Modules for the terragrunt-poc
There are 2 types of modules in this repo, modules and multimodules.
- Modules apply some simple generic config to each account specified in the terragrunt feature config:
locals {
account_groups = {
all = {
account_filter_regex = ".*",
source = "",
- Multimodules apply different config to subselection of accounts, and other config to another subselection of accounts. Dependencies between each are possible generating a staged setup for each of the components.
locals {
account_groups = {
audit_accounts = {
account_filter_regex = "audit-.*"
source = ""
network_accounts = {
account_filter_regex = "network-.*"
source = ""
You can refer to the
in each of the below modules and multimodules to learn how to set them up.
- simple-iam-role : a simple feature module to put an IAM role in every account specified
- base : an empty module used as the terragrunt source
- cloudtrail ( account_groups: master, tenant, audit )