periodic SMS notifications that delivers notes from the past
this app connects to a google sheet that stores daily diary entries i write via a google form. it dips into the archives everyday to deliver me a messaage as a reminder of gratitude, lessons learned and experiences gained.
in its geekiest form, it's a lambda function with a datastore backed by google sheets and a UI built with twilio.
the app depends on two configuration files that store credentials and app settings to execute. you need to update these with your own specifics if you want to be successful.
the google api uses process.env.GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS to point to your credential file. This should be the same json file you download from the google console.
to make deployment easier, i moved this file - creds.json - into this repo although it isn't shown here.
.env.json lists out instance specific configuration for the google sheet and twilio api settings.
npm install
node app.local.js