❗ Currently seeking internship or full-time opportunities as a Software Developer, Game Developer, or Computer Graphics Developer. Open to roles where I can apply my skills in coding, 3D modeling, and visual development to create engaging, high-quality digital experiences.
- 🔭 Enthusiast in Computer Graphics, Game Design, and Animation.
- 🌱 Exploring advanced 3D Modeling and Animation techniques with tools like Blender, Maya, and other industry standards.
- 🎨 Passionate about blending technical skills with creativity to bring artistic and visual projects to life through computer science.
- 🖥️ Skilled in programming, with a focus on creating visually compelling applications.
- ⚡ Aspiring to become a top-tier specialist in the Computer Graphics, Game Development, or Visual Effect industries.
- 😄 Fun Fact: I love movies and animations! Feel free to DM me to chat about anything related.
- 🎮 Recently developed several fun computer games – check them out here!
- 📫 Explore my personal website here!
2023 - Present
Master of Science in Computer Science @ New York University
2017 - 2021, Graduated
Bachelor of Engineering (B.Eng.) in Computer Science @ HKUST
2019 - 2019, Global Summer Institute
Summer Exchange Program in Computer Science @ SBU
Welcome to my GitHub page!