Frame to give u an idea of power badge progress/status. Demystifies Farcaster status for new users. Existing power users are exposed to
Disclaimer: OpenRank's algorithm might diverge from Warpcast's internal algorithm
Frame flow:
- Load all power badge users from warpcast api
- View: Check if frame user's fid is in power badge list
If yes:
- View: Suggest random casts from 3 out of the top 25 non-power-badge users thru OpenRank API.. "We think you would like t"
If no:
Find casts from users to interact with
OR: View: Show your percentile and rank from OpenRank API request Request:
Example: There are 4456 users with power badge. According to OpenRank's algorithm you have rank 2817. You might receive the power badge soon, but keep casting"
Example 2: There are 4456 users with power badge. According to OpenRank's algorithm you have rank 6500. Keep casting receive the power badge soon!"