Welcome to our ChatApp.
To install the necessary dependencies you must execute the following scripts: installScript.sh
If you get a permission error you must do sudo installScript.sh
In order to run the application you must execute the following scripts: runServer.sh build.sh
Then, all you have to do is to open index.html in your favourite browser(Mozilla Firefox and Chromium were used during development).
Or, if that fails, type the following ip address to the address bar of your favourite browser and press enter:
How to execute .sh scripts
To execute the script hereIsAScript.sh you must open a terminal and type in:
Unix ./hereIsAScript.sh Windows sh hereIsAScript.sh Max
sh hereIsAScript.sh
Kick user: /kick
Ban user: /ban
NOTE: kick and ban are only available to ops.
Send private message: @username
Example: Send joe the private message "Hey joe"
@joe Hey joe