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This project is a boilerplate for any online subscription business. It handles user registration, authentication, and billing through Stripe and can be utilized for pretty much any online business from this point.

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LiveView Stripe Online Store

Table of Contents
  1. About The Project 📝
  2. Getting Started 🏃
  3. Database architecture 🗂
  4. Stripe PCI Compliance Flow 💰
  5. Commit Walkthrough 🔑
  6. License 🔒
  7. Contact 📩

About The Project

This project is a boilerplate for any online subscription business. It handles user registration, authentication, and billing through Stripe and can be utilized for pretty much any online business from this point. It utilizes Phoenix PubSub and GenServer and to keep the data stored in the local database in sync with Stripe.

Screenshots 🖥

product-screenshot product-screenshot

Pages 📄

  • Pricing plans page
  • Payment form page
  • Active subscriptions only page
  • User credentials update page
  • Login page
  • Register page
  • Forgot Password? page

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Built With 🛠

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Getting Started 🏃

To get a local copy up and running follow these simple steps.

Prerequisites 🔌

  1. Install erlang, Elixir, NodeJS, Postgres and stripe/stripe-cli/stripe.

    1. With homebrew the commands are:
     brew update
     brew install erlang elixir nodejs postgres stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
    1. Or if you prefer asdf
     brew update
     brew install asdf postgres stripe/stripe-cli/stripe
     asdf plugin-add erlang
     asdf plugin-add elixir
     asdf plugin-add nodejs
     asdf install erlang latest
     asdf install elixir latest
     asdf install nodejs latest
     asdf global erlang latest
     asdf global elixir latest
     asdf global nodejs latest
  2. Sign up for a Stripe developer's account here here to get your API keys.

    1. From there you will have to create 2 different products each with two prices. This can be done by going to the Stripe UI dashboard and clicking on Products and then clicking on the blue "Add Product" button. I used what is below.
    Product 1
    Name: Standard
    Price 1: $150/year
    Price 2: $15/month
    Product 2
    Name: Premium
    Price 1: $300/year
    Price 2: $30/month
  3. Login to the Stripe CLI - stripe login

Installation ⌨

  1. Run the command stripe listen --forward-to localhost:4000/webhooks/stripe, in a terminal window.

    1. Note: this window will have to be kept open the entire time your app is running, you should see a similar message to what is below in your terminal.

    ⡿ Getting ready... > Ready! You are using Stripe API Version [XXX]. Your webhook signing secret is <YOUR KEY> (^C to quit)

  2. Clone this Repo and enter the directory.

    1. git clone && cd live_view_stripe
  3. Install dependencies with mix deps.get.

  4. Install npm assets.

    1. cd assets && npm ci && cd ../
  5. Create and migrate your database with mix ecto.setup

  6. Setup env variables by running the commands provided in .env.example in your terminal with your keys.

    1. STRIPE_WEBHOOK_SIGNING_KEY comes from step 1.
    2. STRIPE_SECRET and STRIPE_PUBLISHABLE come from the Stripe Dashboard.
  7. Start Phoenix server with iex -S mix phx.server

    1. Now you can visit localhost:4000 from your browser.
  8. Sync Products and Plans by running these commands inside of the IEX session for the server. (Same terminal you ran the previous step) Order is important.

  9. Now you can visit http://localhost:4000 in your browser and you will see the app running.

You can run unit tests with the command mix test

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Database architecture 🗂

    users {
        bigint id
        character email
        character hashed_password
        timestamp confirmed_at
        timestamp inserted_at
        timestamp updated_at

    users_tokens {
        bigint id
        bigint user_id
        bytea token
        character context
        character sent_to
        timestamp inserted_at

    billing_products {
        bigint id
        character stripe_id
        character stripe_product_name
        timestamp inserted_at
        timestamp updated_at

    billing_plans {
        bigint id
        character stripe_id
        character stripe_plan_name
        integer amount
        bigint billing_product_id
        timestamp inserted_at
        timestamp updated_at

    billing_customers {
        bigint id
        character stripe_id
        bigint user_id
        timestamp inserted_at
        timestamp updated_at

    billing_subscriptions {
        bigint id
        character stripe_id
        character status
        timestamp current_period_end_at
        timestamp cancel_at
        bigint plan_id
        bigint customer_id
        timestamp inserted_at
        timestamp updated_at

    billing_customers }o--|| users : ""
    users_tokens }o--|| users : ""
    billing_plans }o--|| billing_products : ""
    billing_subscriptions }o--|| billing_plans : ""
    billing_subscriptions }o--|| billing_customers : ""


Made with Mermaid.js

Stripe PCI Compliant Flow 💰

graph TD;
  A[1. Create Stripe Customer] --> B[2. Create Stripe SetupIntent] --> C[3. Confirm Stripe SetupIntent with Payment Method - <br> done with Stripe.js] --> D[4. Create Stripe Subscription]
  1. Stripe Customer have a 1:1 relationship with users in your app, on user registration a Stripe Customer is generated.
  2. On mount of the payment form LiveView, a Stripe setupIntent is created for the current user.
  3. On submit of the payment form; Stripe JS is used to confirm that setupIntent and stay PCI compliant.
  4. Once the the setupIntent is confirmed, Stripe will attach the payment method the corresponding customer for the setup intent.
  5. An event is forwarded from the Stripe CLI and handled on the /webooks post route.
  6. Based on the event pushed to the post route, a variety of actions are taken.

Made with Mermaid.js

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Commit Walkthrough 🔑

I grouped my commits into 10 sections to make it easier to follow. Each commit message is prefaced with a number,

ex: [ 1 ] Commit Message Goes Here

that number corresponds with a step number below.

  1. I used the commands:
    1. mix LiveViewStripe and mix phx.gen.auth Accounts User users
    2. To generate the project that we are going to use along with the user authentication skeleton.
  2. Since I want to sync my local database with what is on Stripe - I used the following commands to generate schemas, migrations, contexts and tests for Customer, Plan, Product and Subscription with only a few small adjustments made.
# Command 1
mix phx.gen.context Billing Product products --table billing_products stripe_id stripe_product_name
# Command 2
mix phx.gen.context Billing Plan plans --table billing_plans billing_product_id:references:billing_products stripe_id stripe_plan_name amount:integer
# Command 3
mix phx.gen.context Billing Customer customers --table billing_customers user_id:references users
# Command 4
mix phx.gen.context Billing Subscription subscriptions --table billing_subscriptions plan_id:references:billing_plans customer_id:references:billing_customers stripe_id status current_period_end_at:naive_datetime cancel_at:naive_datetime
  1. I am working with a service that will not be available when my tests are running; therefore, I have to create a MockStripe service that will return equivalent responses to what Stripe JS or stripity_stripe would return.

  2. Next I need a few services to sync both Products and Plans with my local database in the case products/prices are modified or additional prices/products are created through the Stripe Developer's Dashboard.

    This is also needed for the initial setup as well.

  3. My local database holds all the important of each Stripe object, I have already created functions to sync plans and products; so it only makes sense to create a Stripe customer on successful user registration. This service takes care of creating the stripe customer.

  4. This is where the terminal forwarding webhooks from stripe to our server comes in to play.

    1. I will need to create a post route to handle the information being forwarded to our app from the Stripe CLI.
    2. I also need to construct a Stripe.Event and notify all subscribers to the channel of the event.
  5. The billing context got a little out of hand; I need to refactor the context and the tests to break everything out into one of Customer, Plan, Product or Subscription modules.

  6. I need a way to display different subscriptions plans to the public and let them choose which one is perfect for them.

    • Create a parent LiveView page_live.
    • Create a LiveComponent product_component- is the contents of the pricing page and was made a LiveComponent for easy reuse.
    • Add the route for this LiveView to the router.
  7. I need a payment form to collect and verify the payment information for our customer, I also need a page that is only viewable to members with an active subscription..

    • Create the Members only LiveView and route.
    • Create Plug :require_active_subscription for members only route.
    • Create New Subscription LiveView and route.
    • Phoenix hook to handle Stripe payments with Stripe.JS in order to stay PCI compliant.
  8. The default phoenix styles aren't that great, lets implement Tailwind CSS and give these pages a facelift.

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License 🔒

Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt for more information.

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Contact 📩

John Herbener - - | Project Link:

Loosely based off the tutorial from

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This project is a boilerplate for any online subscription business. It handles user registration, authentication, and billing through Stripe and can be utilized for pretty much any online business from this point.




