This middleware for the Django Web Frameworks checks the HTML you create.
The middleware should only be used during development.
By default the middleware deactivates itself, if settings.DEBUG is False.
Imagine you have a typo in your HTML like this: <th>foo</td>
, then you get a html page like this:
line 89, col 14: discarding unexpected </td>:
Many people send JSON instead of HTML over the wire these days....
I use htmx and function-based-views if I can choose :-)
pip install django-check-html-middleware
Add check_html.CheckHTMLMiddleware
at the start of your middleware.
If you use the Django-Debug-Toolbar, then put the check-html middleware below it.
CHECK_HTML_IGNORE_MESSAGES: A list of strings. Each string is an error messages which should get ignored.
Defaults to:
'trimming empty',
'proprietary attribute',
'missing <!DOCTYPE> declaration',
'inserting implicit <body>',
'''inserting missing 'title' element''',
'moved <style> tag to <head>',
'inserting implicit <p>',
CHECK_HTML_IGNORE_REGEX_PATH: A list of regex strings. If a URL path matches this string, this response does not get checked.
Defaults to:
This middleware is just a thin wrapper for utidylib.
What do you think could get improved?
Please tell me and open an issue at github.
Thank you!
python3 -m venv check-html-env
cd check-html-env/
. bin/activate
pip install -U pip wheel
git clone
mv django-check-html-middleware code
pip install -e code
cd code