This is a personal proyect just to get down to basics and understand how the picorv32 is handled.
I want to have a simple program to blink the leds in the board using the soft core. I want the soft core to be programmed via C/C++ and the FOSS toolchain.
Learn as much as possible!
- Including memory mapping layouts in the GCC compiler.
- KISS Keep it stupid simple!
- I want to use this proyect as basis for all my other fpga + picorv32 implementation.
Have the picorv32 communicate via SERIAL/UART to the computer as to allow basic communication/debug.
- I understand that this DOES NOT imply proper debugging, that would be through GDB.
- Serial decided for the time being to be provided by: jakubcabal/uart-for-fpga
Have the picorv32 communicate via SERIAL/UART and handle the reception via IRQ.
- This is a basis to handle all other kind of IO to not require POLLING.
Migrate to autotools for the software compilation.
- After serial I will focus on GDB debugging included into the system.
I want to have a simple program to blink the leds in the board using the soft core.
- Done, it was very direct and insightful into how actual computers work.
- TAG: "WorkingLeds".
I want the soft core to be programmed via C/C++ and the FOSS toolchain.
- Managed to cross compile from my ARM system, very happy about that one.
- Needed to compile from source to have all libraries be in RV32I configuration.
Have the picorv32 communicate via SERIAL/UART to the computer as to allow basic communication/debug.
- Currently is only sending data from PicoRV32 to the outside system.
- This is now working bidirectional with the example code of the PicoRV32 project.
- TAG: "WorkingSerial".
Have the picorv32 communicate via SERIAL/UART and handle the reception via IRQ.
- The code is a bit bulkier, there is a buffer in the UART of 8 words deep,
configurable by the user. In another update I will try to remove the buffer.
- TAG: "WorkinSerialIRQ".
- Redone in a simplified logic, this follows more closely to the intentions of
this GIT/proyect.
- TAG: "WorkingSerialIRQSimplified"
Migration to autotools for software compilation done!
- This has a new in software explaining high level functionality.
- The core has been solved, allowing anyone take the files and just change
their source code specific needs. It has all the configuration and files
needed for this project linked.
- TAG: "WorkingAutotools"
- The core has been solved, allowing anyone take the files and just change
their source code specific needs. It has all the configuration and files
needed for this project linked.
Produce a better system for understanding the status of the serial by the CPU.
- This has been accomplished, it was already given by DIN_RDY if it was kept high.
- TAG: "WorkingSerialWait".
Absolutely to the picorv32 proyect, from which the main code is based on.
All the specifics regarding the board cmod S7.
- Picorv32:
- Cmod S7:
- RISC-V GNU Compiler Toolchain:
- Verilog formatter:
- Serial for FPGA: