Creating a working prototype of a mini-blog application that allows users to create, edit, and delete cards.
- Add new cards by input name, status, content, category, and author.
- Only the author of the card can:
- Edit a card's name, status, content, and category.
- Delete cards with a confirmation step
- Responsive layout
- User-friendly interface for easy interaction.
- Using localStorage for data persistence.
- React
- TypeScript
- SCSS for styling
- Jest and React Testing Library for testing
Here you can check the live demo of the app deployed with Netlify
To install the necessary dependencies and start the development server:
npm i && npm start
To run the tests for the application:
npm test
Please note that for simulating the edit functionality, a mock logged-in user is used. This is for the purpose of this coding test, other approaches would be used for a real-world application. Additionally, the application uses preset data to mock other users' cards.