If you sync your photos and videos from your phone automatically to owncloud you might end up with duplicates and zero byte files (see bug). This is a tool that helps you clean up upload folders of owncloud.
This tool comes with a UI because that way it is more accessible to a broader audience. It also comes with a pre-built OSX version.
Usage of ./builds/owncloud-upload-cleaner:
-base_dir string
Directory that is cleaned, defaults to current working directory.
Dry run, if enabled no files are deleted or moved.
-mode string
Files will be moved or deleted depending on the mode (modes: move / delete). (default: move)
Starts this tool in UI mode. (default true)
With the default golang tool chain run:
go build -o owncloud-upload-cleaner
In case you want to build an OSX application run:
fyne package -os darwin -name owncloud-upload-cleaner
More information for building the application for different OS can be found at fyne documentation.