Arbitrium is a web micro-framework for Deno. It's designed to create a MVC controllers, making available an async web server and a router, to make get started a powerful applications.
import Server, {
} from '';
import Router from '';
import { route } from '';
import { ServerRequest } from "";
async function view(request: ServerRequest, args?: {}) {
// Write views to process the request, and return a response
return new Response('Hello World');
async function viewWithParam(request: ServerRequest, args?: {}) {
// You can get the url params from "args" variable
return new Response(args, 200, 'application/json')
const router = new Router([
// You can set the routes to call a view
route('/', view),
// You can pass url params
route('/<id:number>', viewWithParam),
function middleware(getResponse: RequestListener){
// One-time configuration and initialization.
console.log('On Start Application')
return async function(request: ServerRequest) {
// Code to be executed for each request before
// the view (and later middleware) are called.
console.log('On Request')
const response = await getResponse(request);
// Code to be executed for each request/response after
// the view is called.
console.log('On Response')
return response;
// To create a server, is just instance the "Server" class with configs
const server = new Server({ router, middlewares: [middleware] });
// To start server is just call the ".listen()" Server method
$ deno --allow-net example/simple.ts
Check file:///path/to/arbitrium/example/simple.ts
On Start Application
[SERVER RUNNING]: ON http://localhost:8080 (Press CTRL+C to quit)