Sportsee is an application for monitoring your physical activity. Project 12 of the OpenClassrooms "Front End Developer" course. For this project I'm using Javascript, React, recharts.js in a statically typed functional paradigm.
Build a user profile page in React, fetching data from a NodeJS external server.
React v17.0.2
recharts v2.0.10
react-router-dom v5.2.0
prop-types v15.7.2
Recommended text editor: Visual Studio Code
Installation Dependencies
You need Git to clone the repository
You need Node (v14.15.5) to run the npm commands
Install and run the project
Clone the project to your computer git clone
Install the packages npm i
Run the project (port 3006 by default) npm start
To get the backend API, fork this repo and follow the instructions Backend API
The 2 URL available (for the 2 users) are: http://localhost:3006/12 http://localhost:3006/18